
Kendi halinde kendince kitaplarına âşık bir okurum sadece Edmond Jabes'in dediği gibi: Umut belki de gelecek sayfadadır. Kapatma kitabı. In libris libertas
“Nothing,” Alexander said, before either of them could speak, and I wanted to ask, Is that your answer to everything? I wondered how many ways he could use that word, and if my soul would squirm and shrink away every time he said it. “We carry on as usual, or they’re going to want to ask all kinds of questions we don’t want to answer.”
Act 3, Scene 16Kitabı okudu
I grabbed her wrist, squeezed it much too hard, in a strange fit of despair. Wren had lost her grip and slipped so quickly I couldn’t catch her, and now James had vanished, too, out the door and into the night, like water trickling through my fingers. I was reluctant to be left alone, more reluctant still to let another friend out of my sight, as though one or the other of us might simply disappear. Filippa sank to the floor beside my chair and rested her head on my knee, saying nothing, simply waiting until I didn’t need her there anymore.
Act 3, Scene 16Kitabı okudu
“You know, everyone calls you ‘nice,’” she said slowly, expression drawn and thoughtful. “But that’s not the word. You’re good. So good you have no idea how good you are.” She laughed—once—a sad, resigned sort of sound. “And you’re real. You’re the only one of us who isn’t acting all the time, who isn’t just playing whatever part Gwendolyn gave you three years ago.” Her eyes found mine again, the echo of that laugh lingering around her mouth. “I’m as bad as the rest of them. Treat a girl like a whore and she’ll learn to act like one.” Her shoulders inched up, barely a shrug. “But that’s not how you treat me. And that’s all I wanted.”
Act 3, Scene 14Kitabı okudu

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
“Yes.” Alexander speared a sausage on the end of his fork, a little violently. “Just considering starting our own leper colony down at the Castle.” “They do stare, don’t they?” Colin said, glancing around as if he’d just noticed the wide berth everyone was giving our table. “Voyeuristic little shits,” Alexander said, and bit the sausage in half, teeth snapping down like a guillotine. “What brings you into exile with the rest of us?”
Act 3, Scene 13Kitabı okudu
The spell of isolation broke when Colin appeared at the edge of our table, one hand alighting (unnoticed by everyone but me) on the back of Alexander’s chair.
Act 3, Scene 13Kitabı okudu
“Oh my God,” I said, shaking my head. Alexander let the breath he was holding burst out, chuckled softly. “When did we become such terrible people?” “Maybe we’ve always been terrible.” He shrugged and watched the white cloud of his laughter shimmer and fade. His good humor seemed to vanish with it, and when he spoke again his voice was brittle. “Or maybe we learned from Richard,” he said. That scared me more than Colborne did.
Act 3, Scene 12Kitabı okudu
“If I tell you, you have to swear to keep your mouth shut.” “Why?” “Because, unlike you,” he said, loftily, “I don’t kiss and make sure the whole school knows about it.” Half curious and half annoyed, I said, “Who were you with, jackass?” He turned away from me, with a smug little smile on his mouth. “Colin.” “Colin? I didn’t think he liked guys.” Alexander’s smile broadened just enough to show his sharp canine teeth. “Neither did he.”
Act 3 Scene 12Kitabı okudu
I thought of meeting James in the bathroom the night of the party. By some unspoken agreement, we hadn’t mentioned it to the others. It was trivial, unimportant. But the possibility that we weren’t the only ones keeping secrets made my heart drum a little faster. If we’d all lied to one another the way we’d lied to Colborne—I couldn’t finish the thought.
Act 3, Scene 12Kitabı okudu
Colborne made a soft, impatient sound. I eased forward slowly until I could see him again, shaking his head, tongue pinched between his teeth. “These kids,” he said. “The fourth-years. I don’t trust them.” “Why not?” “They’re a bunch of fucking actors,” Colborne said. “They could all be lying through their teeth, and how would we know?”
Act 3, Scene 11Kitabı okudu
The mattress moved under him again. He might have rolled over to face me, but it was too dark to see. “I think you understand it perfectly. Nothing makes sense to him either. His whole world is falling apart, and once he realizes he can’t stop it or fix it or change it, there’s only one thing left to do.” My eyes adjusted slowly, maddeningly. “What’s that?” His shadow shrugged in the gloom. “Absolve yourself. Blame it on fate.”
Act 3, Scene 9Kitabı okudu
Suddenly the old story—the water and the gray morning and James’s remark, It would take more than that—was too familiar, too close for comfort to more recent memories. He averted his eyes and I knew we were still thinking the same thing. We climbed into bed, pushed the pillows around, and pretended to get comfortable in disconcerted silence. I lay on my back, dismayed that the five or six inches of space between us suddenly felt like a hundred miles. My petty fears from the memorial service were confirmed—death wasn’t going to stop Richard tormenting us.
Act 3, Scene 9Kitabı okudu
I sat gingerly on the near edge of the bed and found myself thinking, unexpectedly, of the summer we’d spent in California—taking turns behind the wheel of the old BMW that had once belonged to James’s father, driving all the way up the coast to some gray, fog-blurred beach where we got drunk on white wine, swam naked, and fell asleep in the sand. “Do you remember that night in Del Norte,” I said, “when we passed out on the beach—” “And when we woke up in the morning all our clothes were gone?” He said it so readily that he must have been thinking of it, too. I almost laughed and turned to find him pulling back the comforter, eyes brighter than they’d been before.
Act 3, Scene 9Kitabı okudu
My own room was less overtly deficient—over the years I’d insulated myself from the rest of the house (the rest of the neighborhood, the rest of Ohio) with layers of ink and paper and poetry, like a squirrel lining a nest. James followed me in and stood looking around with obvious curiosity as I shut the door. The room seemed, for the first time, small.
Act 3, Scene 9Kitabı okudu
As Wren had said, the show wasn’t over. It was the unknown ending that terrified me.
Act 3, Scene 9Kitabı okudu
James was still for a moment, then stood and left the table without another word. Alexander watched him go, gloomily. “And then there were four,” he said.
Act 3, Scene 7Kitabı okudu
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