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"They saved you from the poppy field. Of course, I was the one who planted the poppy field - oh, so long ago now. I wanted to save others, liberate them from the tyranny of a heart. First the poppies put people to sleep. Then my metal mice bring them to me. I feed them a cake with a pollen pill inside-' she gestured to the empty plate and pulled a small vial of pills out of her pinafore pocket- 'not enough to put them to sleep again, just enough to sap their strength so my mice can stop them escaping."
"The Doctor turned to Yaz and looked her straight in the eye. 'Yaz, if that happens - if I lose my courage - you're going to have to be brave for all of us. No,' she added, as Yaz was about to reply. 'You can do it. I know what happened, all those years ago. I know you... ran away, that time, back before I knew you.' She took a deep breath. 'Many hundreds of years ago, when I was a very different Time Lord, I talked to a young man who was scared of what he'd got himself into. And I'm going to tell you now exactly what I told him. Courage isn't a matter of not being frightened. It's being afraid and doing what you have to do anyway. Yaz, you always do what you have to do. I'm not worried about that."
(kilic's version)
birazcicik 🤏 uzun olmus olabilir (aynen biraz iletiye sigmadi yorumda devam ettim💀) ☆ ben elif ☆ ne zaman ve nasil ortaya cikti bilmesem de arkadaslarimin %90i bana kilic der, oyle ki birisi bana elif dediginde o kim esprisi yapariz (taa ortaokuldan beri boyle) ☆ ravenclaw (arkadasim hufflepuff oldugumu iddia ediyor) ve cabin 7 (apollon) ☆ proud


13 Nisan 22:58
(zeynep’s version)
Gece gece durduk yere böyle bir istek geldi (eklemeler yaptım kısa oldu çünkü) ❀ben zeynep (𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓’𝒔 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏) ❀ taylora bağımlıyım ha bu arada favori albümüm reputation ben daha çok bağıra bağıra şarkı söyleyen tıplerdenim ❀ Spotify ilacım ❀ tdknin içinden geçmem bilmediğim anlamına gelmiyor ❀ Harry potter serisini ne kadar sevsemde hala
"The Doctor grinned. 'Nice girls don't wear togas,' he told her. 'They don't?' 'Nope. And even if they did, they probably wouldn't have one with Winnie the Pooh on."
"All these dramas going on around her. Gracilis and Marcia, desperate for the return of their son. Ursus, with his lust for artistic fame. Vanessa's worries and fears. The slaves - who knew what they were hoping, dreaming? And yet in 2,000 years' time, they'd all be forgotten. Things that were life and death today would mean nothing even to the next generation, let alone those living in the twenty-first century. By the time she was born, the people here would be dust, the villa rubble. The only thing that would survive was a statue of a goddess, and who knew what it would endure over that time?"
"She had a sort of immortality already, in a roundabout way. Even if she died, here and now - which, obviously, she wasn't planning on doing for a moment - in just under 2,000 years she'd be back on Earth, wandering about London, growing up. Almost 200,000 years after that, she'd be on a space station, defeating the Daleks. More years than she could comprehent after that, she'd be watching the Earth die."
"You're lost without me! He tucked his arm through hers. 'Don't I just know it? If anyone ever asks me what sort of friend you are, I tell them: Rose Tyler? I'm lost without her. Rock-solid, that's what she is."
Sayfa 132Kitabı okudu
"Ursus looked puzzled. 'They were only slaves bought for the purpose. Men are bought to be slaughtered in the arena. Surely becoming beauty is a better death than being hacked to pieces in a gladiatorial show?' Rose opened and closed her mouth a few times, each argument failing on her tounge. Funny how places on Earth could sometimes be more alien to her than other planets."
Sayfa 143Kitabı okudu
"Humans, never satisfied, vindictive, always putting the pleasure of the moment above the needs of the future.' 'You still like us, though, don't you?' said Rose. 'Love ya,' said the Doctor, giving her a grin. 'But you do make a mess of things sometimes. Most of the time, in fact."
Sayfa 182Kitabı okudu
"They smiled at each other. All was right with the world again. 'Anyway,' the Doctor continued, 'you know what? I think you bring me luck. My Fortuna, that's you.' 'You mean I'm a sort of mascot,' said Rose. 'Like a four-leaf clover. Or wearing lucky pants when you go for an interview.' 'That's it exactly,' the Doctor told her. 'You're my lucky pants.'
Sayfa 199Kitabı okudu
24 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
"Zamannn savaşıııı... Bu zaman savaşı... Doktor başardııııı.. Daleklerrrrr.... Daleklerrrrr.... Daleklerrrrr. Taıyın. Aşkım, harika zaman geçireceğiz.." DALEKLERRRRREE ÖLÜMMMMM
Doctor Who - Eleventh Doctor Year 2 Sayı 15
Doctor Who - Eleventh Doctor Year 2 Sayı 15Rob Williams · Titan Comics Yayınları · 20175 okunma
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