Ne Okusam?
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Marrige should be a friendship between equals
" What do we do when our hearts hurt? " asked the boy " We wrap them with friendship, shared tears and time, till they make hopeful and happy again."
You're on your own kid, you always have been.
'Cause there were pages turned with the bridges burned Everything you lose is a step you take So make the friendship bracelets Take the moment and taste it You've got no reason to be afraid
I wanna ruin our friendship We should be lovers instead
Anladığım kadarıyla dünyada kimseye güven olmuyordu. Güven, arkadaşlık gibi sözcüklerin modası geçmişti anlaşılan... It seems like nobody could be trusted in the world. Words like 'trust' and 'friendship' had apparently gone out of fashion...
İs this... Possible?....
I got up on my knees and presented her with… “Are those…beads,” she said slowly, staring at my dick with huge eyes. “Not just beads,” I said proudly, feeling a little more confident because she looked more awestruck than anything. “Look closer.” “Oh! They’re the beads that are on friendship bracelets! I’ve never seen them like this, but I—” It hit her then…what the letters on the beads spelled out. You see, in my blacked out state, Lincoln and Ari thought it would be hilarious for me to get Olivia’s name…pierced rather than tattooed on my dick. I literally had beads spelling out her name, speared down the base of my dick. “That’s my name,” she said with a gulp.
Olivia-Walker.Kitabı okudu
I don't make friendship with boys so don't try as well
You won't fall in love with me…. That's impossible, I assure you. I am ready for friendship; here's my hand…. But you mustn't fall in love with me, I beg you!"
Sayfa 29 - Saga EgmontKitabı okudu
The whole life can be a tremendous exploration of each other if we accept the differences, the basic uniqueness of each individual, and we make love not a kind of slavery but a friendship.
"Friendship is everything. Friendship is more than talent. It is more than government. It is almost the equal of family. Never forget that. If you had built up a wall of friendships you wouldn't have to ask me to help."
"What do we do when our hearts hurt?" asked the boy. "We wrap them with friendship, shared tears and time, till they wake hopeful and happy again."
“ I meant that after watching this great web series and movies on friendship and romance, we are just manipulated into believing that ‘there is something called forever.’ However, when your own friends or partner leave you, you feel betrayed, lonely, and incomplete. You and I have nourished a belief that people have to be available for us 24/7. But real life doesn’t work that way. People aren’t ambulances who can be available to you whenever you want. They have got their own shit to deal with. They have got a career to work for. A family to nurture. A goal to achieve. And a few breaths to inhale in silence.”
Men have no more time to understand anything. They buy things all ready made at the shops. But there is no shop anywhere where one can buy friendship and so men have no friends anymore.
Sayfa 91 - PETA YayıncılıkKitabı okudu
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