
144 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Summary: "The Heart of a Dog" by Mikhail Bulgakov is a novella set in Soviet Russia that revolves around Professor Preobrazhensky, a skilled surgeon. He conducts a daring experiment by transplanting human organs into a stray dog named Sharikov, transforming it into a human. The story follows the consequences of this transformation, as Sharikov's behavior and personality change drastically. The novella explores themes of science, ethics, and the dehumanizing effects of the Soviet system. Review: Mikhail Bulgakov's "The Heart of a Dog" is a thought-provoking and satirical masterpiece that skillfully blends dark humor with deep social and philosophical commentary. The novella's relatively short length doesn't detract from its impact; in fact, it adds to its accessibility and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Bulgakov's writing is both witty and sharp, using the absurdity of the dog-to-human transformation as a lens through which to critique the Soviet society of his time. He raises questions about the consequences of tampering with nature, the erosion of individuality in the face of ideology, and the ethical boundaries of scientific experimentation. The characters are vividly drawn, and Sharikov's transformation from a dog to a human serves as a powerful allegory for the dehumanizing effects of ideological conformity. The novella's humor keeps the reader engaged while delivering its underlying social critique. "The Heart of a Dog" is a timeless classic of Russian literature, and its themes continue to resonate in today's world, where the balance between scientific advancement and ethical considerations is still a relevant and pressing issue. Bulgakov's work is an excellent choice for those who enjoy literature that challenges the status quo and encourages contemplation of fundamental ethical questions.
Köpek Kalbi
Köpek KalbiMihail Bulgakov · Kızıl Panda Yayınları · 202119bin okunma
26 görüntüleme
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