Kiss From a Monster Series

A Kiss From A Faerie King

Charlotte Swan

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"Özür dilerim," diye fısıldıyorum çiçeğe doğru. Koparılmayacak kadar güzel ama bencilim. Güzelliğini tamamen kendime saklamak istiyorum.
I want to watch fire rage in her warm, brown eyes, and more than anything, I want to know what or who she was fleeing that sent her right into my trap. Not that I’m complaining. I would’ve found her eventually somehow, but if she has enemies above, I need to know about them. So I can eradicate them for her, of course.
Sanki benim olgunlaşmam onun bünyesine kişisel bir hakaretmiş gibi, annemin saygın bir genç kadına yakışmadığını düşündüğü kıvrımları yok ediyor.
Her body seems to relax, and I revel in her closeness once more. Who put these notions in her head? Who taught her to be afraid of her desires? “You should feel no shame here. Lust and desire are natural feelings. There’s nothing wrong about wanting to give yourself over to them,” I tell her.
Shame, an ugly and all too familiar emotion makes my eyes lower. “Never apologize for your feelings,” he growls. “It will take time for you to unlearn the lies taught to you in the human world.”
“It’s not,” she pauses, her eyes returning back towards mine, “proper. A lady should be modest at all times. This type of behavior is unbecoming.” I bark a laugh. The words don’t seem to be her own. They lack the conviction she’s trying to convince herself they have.
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