Madonna in a Fur Coat

Sabahattin Ali

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What do they live for? What do they find in life? What logic compels them to keep breathing? What philosophy drives them, as they wander the earth?
It wasn’t natural for happiness to arrive so suddenly.
When misfortune visits those who once walked alongside us, we do tend to feel relief, almost as if we believe we have ourselves been spared, and as we come to convince ourselves that they are suffering in our stead, we feel for these wretched creatures. We feel merciful.
The more I needed my friends, the more I longed to run away.
..seni seviyorum çünkü; imkansız diye bir şeyin olmadığını; sadece istemenin insan hayatını da ne kadar önemli olduğunu beni inandırabilyorsun...
People can only get to know each other up to a point and then they make up the rest, until one day, seeing their mistake, they turn their backs on sadness and run away. Would this ever happen, if they stopped believing their dreams and made do with what was possible? If everyone accepted what was natural, then no one would suffer disappointment, no one would curse fate. We have every right to see our situation as pitiful, but we must confine our pity to ourselves. To pity another is to assume superiority and that is why we must never think we are superior to others, or that others are more unfortunate.
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Sayfa 64 - penguin classics
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