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We can get a better understanding of traditions if we classify them into groups: religious traditions, social traditions, and superstitions.
Co-operation, communication, and the ability to listen to others and to speak one's mind are all important aspects of social interaction in modern business, and the most productive workers tend to be those who are good at motivating themselves and working within a team not necessarily the ones who are the most intelligent on paper'. People with high IQs may be able to solve the most complicated mathematical formula or scribble symphonies on the back of a cornflakes packet, but they usually tend to be at a bit of a loss when it comes to understanding how to behave in company - not to mention being rather boring to have at parties.
The Australian Aborigines came to Australia from Indonesia 50,000 years ago. Scientists think that at one time there was a land bridge between Australia and Asia. They believe that Aborigines traveled south over this bridge. Then there were changes in the Earth and the land between Australia and Asia became islands.
In recent years, interest in color therapy has grown as studies have shown the positive effects on different forms of depression. Mainstream researchers are looking into its use for a variety of other illnesses as well, from sleep disorders to hormonal problems.
:D .
Many years ago, there was a newspaperman who was writing a story about the planet Mars. He needed scientific information, so he sent the following telegram to a well-known astronomer: "TELEGRAPH IMMEDIATELY FIVE HUNDRED WORDS ON WHETHER THERE IS LIFE ON MARS." The astronomer quickly replied: "NOBODY KNOWS, NOBODY KNOWS, NOBODY KNOWS..." 250 times.
Scientists believe there are other areas on Mars that are similar to specific places on Earth that support life. For example, an area in Antarctica, southern Victoria Land, which is not covered by ice, benzemekan resembles an area on Mars. In the dry valleys of southern Victoria Land, although the temperature averages below zero, biologists have found simple life forms (microorganisms) in rocks and frozen lakes. Perhaps this is also true of some places on Mars.
Beverly Alimo, Senior Lecturer in Organisational Psychology at the Nuffield Institute for Health has researched leadership qualities in men and women. Her work shows that women are more likely than men to share power and try to enhance other people's self-confidence. What is more, this EQ-driven style of leadership is so much better suited to modern organisations. "We know women are more likely to exhibit a real understanding of human behaviour," she says. "They think through the consequences and the effect on others before they act."
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