The Story of a Murderer


Patrick Süskind

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''His mother however perceived odor neither of the fish nor of the corpses. For her sense of smell had been utterly dulled besides which her belly hurt and the pain deadened all susceptibility.''
''She only wanted the pain to stop, she wanted to put this revolting birth behind her as quickly as possible.''
''The fish ostensibly taken very morning from the Seine already stank so violated the smell masked the odor of corpses.''
''The age of three he finally begin to stand on two feet and he spoke his first word at four.''
"Kokuların öyle bir inandırıcılığı vardır ki, sözden, gözle görmekten, duygudan, iradeden daha güçlüdür."
It’s always matter of money. When there’s a knock at this gate, it’s a matter of money. Just once I’d like to open it and find someone standing there for whom it was a matter of something else. Someone, for instance, with some little show of thoughtfulness.
Amacı, sanatıyla çok para kazanmak değildi, başka türlü geçinmenin yolunu bulduğu sürece, sanatını geçinmek için bile kullanmak istemiyordu. İçini açığa vurmak istiyordu, başka bir şey değil, dış dünyanın verebileceği her şeyden harikulade bulduğu içini açığa vurmak.
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