Lord Henry Wotton

Lord Henry Wotton
youtu.be/jx0llzSntd8 bad romance.. Klasik Britanya Edebiyatı..
Elektronik Mühendisi - KriptoPara Uzmanı - dijital girişimci
Renkli Rüyalar Oteli
Londra, 11 February
608 reader point
Joined on September 2018
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
I just came to earth to have some fun, it turns out I came to a huge court, my mortal friend! Snitchers, Dirty false witnesses, perjurers, sham trials, swindlers and two-faced criminals. Everyone is the ruler of each other. A complete trash can..
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Do you know puppet theatre, mortal friends? If one of the puppets breaks, it is replaced with a new one, but the fun theater continues, the audience applauds happily and no one worries about where they threw the broken puppet! This is how your somersaults and antics amuse me.
Lord Henry Wotton

Lord Henry Wotton

, started reading a book
Şeytan'ın Günlüğü
Leonid Andreyev
7.3/10 · 3,062 reads

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Onun gözünde değersiz bir günahkar olduğumu anladığım gün girdim bu şeytani kepazeliğin yuvasına. tüm kapıları üstüme kapadı şehvetli dudaklar. Tanrı bile unuttu beni, Zevkten Çürümüş ve yüzyılların tozuyla ağırlaşmış bir mezarda..
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