Gül G.

Gül G.
Ya Rab ummadığımı yaşarken ümit dahi edemediğimi yaşat...
Çoğu yoksa azıyla yetinmeyeceğim...
I’d rather spend years alone than settle down and make myself even more miserable. I wanted to be head over heels in love, not kind of in love.
Aşkın sebebe ihtiyacı yoktur...
"Well, I don’t love you because of the way you look, that’s infatuation. I don’t love you because of our sexual chemistry, that’s lust. I don’t love you because you love me, that’s empathy. I don’t love you because of what you can give me or what you can do for me, that’s transactional. I don’t love you because of the way you treat me, that’s gratitude. I don’t love you because you keep me safe, that’s security. I don’t know why I love you, babe. That’s how I know it’s real.”
Unutursun Mihribanım...
"Yıllar sinene yaslanır Hâtıraların paslanır. Bu deli gönlün uslanır... Unutursun Mihriban’ım"

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"Tanır gibi yüzüne bakınca her geçici Yarın öksüz kalbinin burkulacaktır içi İki kattır azabın günahı işleyenden Anana "kahpe" derler, sana "kahpenin piçi"...
Aynaların Ötesi
"Her ne kusur varsa, geçen zamanda Suçsuzdur aynalar elâ gözlü yar Mecnunlar Mevlâ'yı bulursa canda El olur Leyla'lar, elâ gözlü yar..."
Bu kitabı baş ucu kitabım yapan cümle...
‘’ Her şey bir ve tek şeydir. Bir şeyi istediğiniz zaman bütün Evren arzunun gerçekleşmesi için iş birliği yapar.’’
"This is what love really is. Giving someone time to find their way back to you, holding out a hand when they’re ready to take it."
Maybe this was a lesson that I’m okay just as I am—alone and experiencing whatever life throws my way. Maybe I am enough. I am enough...
“I want it all. I want to wake up in the morning next to someone who rocks my world in every way. Someone who I am so physically attracted to that I can’t keep my hands off her but who at the same time fulfills me in other ways, emotionally, on a deeper level. I want to be with someone who makes me never want to be with another single soul and someone who makes me want to be a better person.”
Just because something makes us feel good, doesn’t mean it’s right...
Emotional cheating felt even more destructive in some ways. The lack of physical contact meant there was no way to let everything out. It was all pent-up.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me...
“From what I can tell, most men just grow taller and wider. They’re still little boys.”
"Our fears are temporary—they come and go throughout life. But regret is permanent—we carry it with us forever."
"What comes easy won’t last long, and what lasts long won’t come easy.”
“Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart… If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.”
"Apart from God, the only person who can forgive me is the one I’ve wronged. That’s the power we have. We can use that power for good—to forgive someone. Or we can use it to hold on to old wrongs."
"You can’t eliminate your past but you don’t have to be controlled by it.”
"We don’t have to forget the past but we can make the future better.”
After you’ve been systematically abused, your judgment erodes to the point where it's nearly impossible to make decisions. Small decisions are as tough as big ones. Even choosing a breakfast cereal seems filled with peril. You are so scared about doing the wrong thing, being blamed and punished for it, you'd rather have someone else take the responsibility.
‘If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor!’