
“You may have started out as my rival, but you’re so much more than that. You’re my business partner and best friend. My greatest challenger and the biggest, brightest green flag there is...and hopefully, my future wife.”
“Did you buy me another house?” “Nope.” Her teeth chatter as we walk through the gate leading to the backyard. “A private jet?” “Do you want one?” She laughs. “No, but I bet you’d get me one if I asked.” I trace the tip of her reddening nose. “You’re finally starting to catch on.” “The amount of money you have is sick.” “So is my love for you, but I don’t hear you complaining.” “Nope.”
“I don’t want to spend the rest of my life bitter and questioning everything and everyone. I want to trust. I want to love. I want to live freely without worrying that I’ll get hurt, left, or betrayed.”

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
“Life without you was a series of pros and cons. Risks and rewards. Black and white with very few shades of gray. But then you came back and flipped a switch inside me, flooding my world with color after a ten-year blackout, and I don’t plan on giving that up. Not now. Not ever.”
“You agreed to a casual relationship knowing your feelings might never be reciprocated?” Disbelief colors her voice. “Yes.” “Why?” “Some people are worth the risk.”
“You can’t seriously be considering moving.” “I am.” “But what about your company?” “Turns out I’d rather build a home with you than a thousand houses by myself.”
“I’m not going to give up because you expect me to.” “Because you like a challenge?” “Because I like you enough to know you’re worth fighting for.”
Her smile rivals the brightest gem, and I’ll be damned if anyone threatens her happiness again. She is more valuable to me than anything else, and it’s only a matter of time before she realizes that. And it’s my job to help get her there.
Every kiss feels like a promise. Every touch an oath. A vow that Julian will love me, cherish me, and protect me—no matter if I choose to believe it or not.
“Expressing our feelings has never been our strong suit, but I mean it. You’re the best son, brother, godfather, and businessman I know.”
Until then, I plan on making this woman mine in every sense of the word. Mine to love. Mine to marry. Mine to cherish for as long as we live.
Julian was and always will be my first choice, and I plan on spending the rest of our lives showing him that.
There is no place for pride or denial when it comes to falling in love with Dahlia. I got my second shot at winning her over, and I refuse to squander it because of my ego or stubbornness.
Feeling jealousy toward Oliver was understandable given our history, but getting overwhelmingly frustrated at any man within her vicinity? That’s a whole different issue I never thought I would have to face in this lifetime. It was easy to ignore my feelings for her when she lived states away, but it wasn’t until she returned to Lake Wisteria that I felt myself drowning in the what-ifs.
Good God. Julian’s laughs don’t come often, but when they do, my whole world stops for a few seconds so I can process the sound.
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