“Tehlikeli sözler, Rhysand,” diye uyardı Amren. Uzun adımlarla kapıdan girerken giydiği muazzam beyaz kürk tarafından neredeyse tamamen yutulmuş gibiydi. Sadece yakasından dökülen küt saçları ve yekpare gümüş gözleri görünüyordu. Tıpkı şeye benziyordu... “Öfkeli bir kartopuna benziyorsun,” dedi Cassian.
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Tatlı Bela
Tatlı Bela
Dikenler ve Güller Sarayı
Dikenler ve Güller Sarayı
”Build a house with a painting studio.” He kissed my other temple. “Build a house with an office for you, and one for me. Build a house with a bathtub big enough for two-and for wings.” Another kiss, this time to my cheek. “Build a house with rooms for all our family.” He kissed my other cheek. “Build a house with a garden for Elain, a training ring for the Illyrian babies, a library for Amren, and an enormous dressing room for Mor.” I chocked on a laugh at that. But Rhys silenced it with a kiss to my mouth, lingering and sweet. “Build a home with a nursery, Feyre.”
”To the blessed darkness from which we are born, and to which we return.”
”I love you,” he breathed. “More than life, more than my territory, more than my crown.”
“You were born on the longest night of the year.” His fingers again stroke down my back. “You were meant to be at my side from the very beginning.”
16 öğeden 11 ile 16 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.