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Given our troubled world, I find it helpful to remember that empathy is essential to human and animal nature. The study of emotion must lead us toward a deeper understanding of these universal, powerful forces that energize and transform our lives. Expression is an old friend. I learned then that he gathered his observations over 30 years. His subjects included animals, human infants, children, adults from every walk of life, and many different cultures. Moreover, he approached the study of emotional expression from the perspective of art, literature, and inner experience, as well as from muscles and the nervous system. Although it was first published around 150 years ago (1872), Darwin's work inspires and informs contemporary research in many fields. This work is the main contribution to interdisciplinary studies that converge in psychology and biology. It is a crucial piece of Darwin's work. If the well-known decay of the compared psychology in the early years of the 20 Century. When the genetic followers forgot about the behaviors, the psychologists did without anatomy and physiology - diminished influence on the actual contributions briefly, the culmination of modern etiology has acted in favor of rediscovering this extraordinary and even singular text. What Darwin considers authentic expressions are precise, the reflexes and instincts that suppose not only the innate capacity to react in a determined way but also the innate acknowledgment of that expression in others. That's a whole and unfairly not-so-known book that deserves to be recognized with significant value.
İnsan ve Hayvanlarda Beden Dili
İnsan ve Hayvanlarda Beden DiliCharles Darwin · Gün Yayıncılık · 2001111 okunma
‘Bizim aşkımız rüzgar gibi. Onu göremiyorum ama hissediyorum.’ A Walk To Remember
‘Sevgi her zaman sabırlı ve candandır. Asla kıskanç değildir. Sevgi asla kendini beğenmiş ya da kibirli değildir. Asla kaba ve bencil değildir. Saldırgan ve kızgın değildir. Sevgi başka insanlarından zevk almaz fakat hakikati sever. Her zaman bağışlamaya, güvenmeye, ümit etmeye hazır ve başa gelen her şeye tahammül eder…’ A Walk To Remember
A Walk to Remember
"Sevgi her zaman sabırlı ve candandır. Asla kıskanç değildir. Sevgi asla kendini beğenmiş ya da kibirli değildir. Asla kaba ve bencil değildir. Saldırgan ve kızgın değildir. Sevgi, başka insanların günahlarından zevk almaz fakat hakikati sever. Her zaman bağışlamaya, güvenmeye, ümit etmeye hazır ve başa gelen her şeye tahammül eder."
Be sure to read the confusing article from the Japanese doctor who died at the age of 105. *S*: *doctor, I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. is that true? * *A*: the heart only beats this much, then stops, that's all... don't waste time exercising. everything eventually wears out. speeding up the heart
I remember Mom clutching my hand tight when we used to take walks. She never let go of my hand. Sometimes when I tried to wriggle my hand free because she gripped it so hard, she’d shoot me a look, telling me to hold on tight. She said families walk hand in hand. Granny would hold my other hand. I have never been abandoned by anyone. Even though my brain was a mess, what kept my soul whole was the warmth of the hands holding mine on both sides.
Sayfa 172Kitabı okudu
Pdf Drive Linki Kitap (sürekli ekleme yapıyorum)
drive.google.com/drive/folders/1... Şu anki liste: 5 Beş Sevgi Dili 20 (Yirmi) Aşk Şiiri ve Umutsuz Bir Şarkı 23 Minutes in Hell 50 Soruda Yapay Zeka
"Anılar gidince, ruh da gider. O zaman benden geriye hiçbir şey kalmaz." 🎬 A Walk to Remember • (2002)
Anılar gidince, ruh da gider. O zaman benden geriye hiçbir şey kalmaz. A walk to remember 🎞️
“Jamie hayatımı kurtardı. Bana hayat, umut ve yaşam planları hakkında her şeyi öğretti. Onu çok özleyeceğim… Ama aşkımız rüzgâr gibi. Göremiyorum ama hissedebiliyorum.” 🎬 A Walk To Remember
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