
113 okur puanı
Kasım 2017 tarihinde katıldı
Segen sinnt
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haters hate
Abdi bir yorumu yanıtladı.
multi-tasking is the enemy of self-awareness
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If you are making two things at once, that means you make every thing less.
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If making a job properly makes you happy and otherwise sad, by multitasking you make yourself two times sad.
Abdi bir yorumu yanıtladı.
I've dreamed of being cancer when I was young. I thought like people would be affectionate to me. And I could have a lot of time for reading books. I always thought that it kills you without you actually realising it. Since I learned that is not the case, I'm afraid now.
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I really liked being sick actually. It gets you free affection.
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You are sick :d
Unsere Nacht verschönt mit Sohrab Sepehri
Orchideenfach: ist eine umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung für ein ausgefallenes, ungewöhnliches, seltenes Studienfach, das nur an wenigen Universitäten gelehrt oder nur von wenigen Studenten belegt wird.
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steuerrecht xD
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