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Adalet ve intikam savaşçısı Lisbeth...
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The 5th book of the series is "The Girl Who Called an Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth" by Lisbeth.. I enjoyed reading this series, started by Steig Larsson and continued by David Kagercrantz. The topic was amazing again. According to the project carried out by the Genetic and Environmental Research Registry Office; separating identical and fraternal twins from each other since their infancy and “giving the children to families that are completely different in terms of status, education, religious affiliation, temperament, personality, ethnicity and understanding of upbringing” (p. 234) and to investigate how the individual personalities of children growing up in these families are shaped. Project-9, which was implemented years ago. Lisbeth and her twin Camilla are also taking part in this project. Lisbeth, who helps justice even through illegal means and always stands by women, children and the weak, pays back abundantly for the evil done to those who deserve it... In addition, in this book, some unknown issues in Lisbeth's past life come to light. It's a series full of excitement and action, I highly recommend it to those who love this genre...
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Göze Göz Dişe Diş Diyen KızDavid Lagercrantz · Pegasus · 2017558 okunma