Onur Aydoğdu

Onur Aydoğdu
Zero fucks given.
4 okur puanı
Şubat 2023 tarihinde katıldı
Hazır/İşlenmiş Gıdalar
If the 2.4 million years of human history were broken down into 24hrs on a clock, we’ve been eating meat for almost 24-hrs, wheat for six minutes, and processed foods for four seconds. Get your nutrition from a variety of greens and animal proteins. Studies have shown processed foods to disrupt your endocrine system, so avoid them wherever possible and stay away from extreme diets that restrict variety.
Ekran Süresi
Screens emit a blue light which disrupts our circadian rhythm and sleep patterns. Either wear blue light blocking glasses at night, or cut out screen time three hours before bed. Now use that time to read or do something else away from any screens so you can get a full night’s sleep. Get 6-8 hours of restful sleep as your body repairs itself when sleeping - which includes testosterone production and other growth hormones. Your body needs to rest and recover more than you realize.
Stress increases cortisol, and cortisol has a heavy negative impact on your body’s ability to optimize its endocrine system naturally. For most men, it’s either stressful jobs, or the women in their lives creating the stress. Therefore, find ways to reduce, or remove, stress where possible.

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
Women should only ever be a by-product of looks, money, status, and Game. Remember, women should never be the focus of your life, only a complement to it.
Listen, you don’t need to be a Rockstar or a billionaire to have status. All you need to do is make money and have people show respect and admiration for you. You get to decide how you want to signal status, but the more status you have, the more doors that will open up for you and, ultimately, the better you will do with women.
Even ugly men of status do well with women. Mick Jagger, the lead singer of the Rolling Stones, was as ugly as they come. Yet, as a lead singer of a high status band, women didn’t care about his looks because of his status. As legend has it, he once left a date with Angelina Jolie no less, to have a one-night stand with Farrah Fawcett.
Kadınların Statüsü
Women, on the other hand, can achieve status with a decent physique, one million thirsty beta Instagram followers, and still be broke.
paranın önemi
Money creates freedom and options. Women are merely a byproduct and they should never be the main reason that you continue to chase excellence.
Kadınların "Ne iş yapıyorsun?" sorusunun asıl amacı
When women ask what you do for a living, she doesn’t particularly care about the “what” part. She is merely trying to be polite and curious about your status. More importantly, what she’s really trying to do is assess how much money you earn.
Even with your style and physique locked down, your looks will only get you so far if you haven’t got any money. You should aim to be in the top 10% of income earners where you live. As you get older, the significance of wealth increases because, like it or not, your looks will decrease. Even ugly, short, fat, bald men can have sex with really hot women if they have enough status and money. It is the ultimate equalizer for unattractive men.
The great equalizer in looks is photography. When it comes to pictures for dating apps or social media, definitely hire a photographer. There is an oversupply of young photographers you can hire for less than $100 on Craigslist, alongside Air B ‘n’ B experiences for 2-hrs, to do a professional photo shoot in. Bring along three tailored outfits, ask the photographer to select some suitable locations, dress sharp, and then let them work their magic. Many men significantly improved their results with women on dating apps with superior photography.
You don’t need to buy expensive tailored suits. Instead, keep an eye out for clothes marked “fitted” with a small percentage of the fabric blend from spandex to ensure a good fit. For more on style, read Tanner Guzy’s excellent book ‘The appearance of power’.
You should wear clothes that fit you well and complement your physique. Most men show they don’t understand style by wearing clothes that don’t fit properly.
You can accomplish a “V taper” along with a thin waist and visible abs, by eating right and build broad shoulders, large traps, and a muscular back, by lifting right. This is an area that almost all men can max out in that will significantly improve their overall look.
The first step is, apart from not quitting, is to be at peace with yourself with what you can’t change and max out what you can change A man that is 5’4” can’t do much about his height. But studies show that 70% of a man’s attractiveness is based on the appearance of upper body strength, with height and leanness accounting for only 10%.
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