Öyleyse, bir yapıyı inşa ederken onu sonsuza dek yaşayacakmış gibi inşa ettiğimizi düşünelim ... Bu öylesine bir yapıt olsun ki torunlarımız bize şükran duysunlar; bu yüzden taş üstüne taş koyarken, şöyle düşünelim, gün gelecek, insanlar bu emeğe ve çıkarılan işe bakacaklar ve “Bak! İşte bunu babalarımız bizim için yaptı,” diyecekler. John Ruskin, The Seven Lamps of Architecture,1849
Sayfa 193
The word ‘building’ is philanthropic in the domain of meaning. As a gerund or verbal noun, it connotes motion and process as internally generated or else incited by an external agent. At a more conceptual level, it also points to a constructive act that rejects finality to instead capture — even celebrate — an ongoing state of incompletion. Transcending stasis and fixity, many buildings indeed flourish in a zone of in-betweenness, straddling genesis and (a nominal) end, addition and manipulation, destruction and survival. In their visual and material manifestations, they showcase the state of contingency along with the seemingly endless creative possibilities it entails.
Christiane GruberKitabı okudu
In other words, the airport is not simply a non-place or an every-place. Rather, it is a locus of in-betweenness that invites the traveller to dwell — passingly and yet persistently — in an aeromobile world.
Christiane GruberKitabı okudu
As a result of historical and aesthetic factors, therefore, the mundane, the material, the technological and the starkly modern may acquire the essence and attributes of what believers deem and experience as sacred.
David SimonowitzKitabı okudu
to understand a technology means to understand its principle, and how this translates into a working architecture.
Sayfa 35 - 2: combination and structureKitabı okudu
technology thinkers have taken- sees a technology as something largely self-sufficient and fixed in structure, but subject to occasional innovations. but this is true of technologies only if we think of them in the abstract, isolated in the lab, so to speak. "in the wild"-meaning in the real world- a technology rarely is fixed. it constantly changes its architecture, adapts and reconfigures as purposes change and improvements occur."
Sayfa 41 - 2: combination and structureKitabı okudu
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