It doesn’t always take an army to save the world. Sometimes it takes just one person who won’t let evil win.
The essence of an army is the idea of official inequality, founded on unofficial equality. The Colonel is not obeyed because he is the best man, but because he is the Colonel.
“Armies use the sex drive to fuel aggression. The army recruits young men with high sexual urges. It causes tension to build up inside the soldiers, limiting all opportunities to release that pressure by having sex. It then redirects this accumulated pressure and makes that pressure manifest as military aggression." Steam engines work in exactly this way. You trap the steam in a closed boiler. The steam builds up more and more pressure, and when you open the valve and release the pressure in a predetermined direction, your goal has been achieved. you will be.
When the Dutch emerged in 1945 from five years of brutal Nazi occupation, almost the first thing they did was raise an army and send it halfway across the world to reoccupy their former colony of Indonesia. Whereas in 1940 the Dutch gave up their own independence after little more than four days of fighting, they fought for more than four long and bitter years to suppress Indonesian independence.
Local legend tells us that Kasap ƒlyas was the chief butcher/meat provider to the Ottoman army that conquered Constantinople in 1453 and that in recognition of his services, the sultan bestowed upon him a large plot of land. On this plot of land he first built a small mosque bearing his name and endowed it. Around this local mosque, goes the legend, a whole neighborhood bearing his name then took shape. The elderly inhabitants of Kasap ƒlyas still recount the many foundation myths concerning Kasap İlyas and his arrival to the neighborhood, as well as his many exploits, religious and otherwise. Kasap ƒlyas has grown into a sort of mythical figure and he has been surrounded by an aura of sanctity by the locals for quite a long time. His deed of trust (vakfiye) was set down in 149417 and his small shrine standing in the small graveyard beside his mosque bears the date of 1495 as the date of his passing away. The present-day Kasap İlyas mosque was almost totally rebuilt after the 1894 earthquake. Of the original structure, nothing much remains
tamam sokrat ölümsüz, anladık! niye uzatıyorsunuz :D
We all believe that all men are mortal. What happens at a moment when we are actively believing this? Perhaps only a belief that the words are correct, without any thought as to what they signify. But if we try to penetrate to what the words signify, what do we do? We certainly do not see spread out before the mind’s eye a vast series of death-beds, one for each man. What we shall really think, if we take the trouble, will probably be something like this: “There’s old So-and-So; he’s 99, and as vigorous as ever, but I suppose he’ll die some day. And young Such-and-Such: in spite of his athletic prowess and his boundless vitality, he won’t last for ever. And then there was Xerxes’s army, the thought of whose mortality caused him to weep; they are all dead. And I myself, though I find it hard to imagine the world without me, I shall die, but not just yet, I hope. And so on, with whoever you like to mention.” Without all this irrelevant detail, it is difficult to grasp a general proposition, except as a form of words of which the interpretation remains vague. In fact, in the above long elucidation, the general proposition never emerges except obscurely in the words “and so on”.
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