Sadece taciz değil ırkçı ve homofobik söylemde olmuş ve sanırsam taraftar topluluğu orange army.Orange Armyden iyice soğudum ne pislik çıktılar.Hamilton kaza yapınca sevinmişlerdi bunlar birde.
It had always amazed her how quickly an army could come apart once the panic started to spread. Like pulling out the keystone of a bridge, the whole thing, so firm and ordered one minute, could be nothing but ruins the next.
Freed from the burden of equipping and maintaining a large standing army-indeed, enjoined from it under the terms of the constitution-the nation could devote most of its energies to improving the material lot of its citizens. This, as the world already knows, Japan did, emerging from the ruins in 1945 to become the world's third-largest economy by 1968.
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