ben daha baby army'ken biri bana sen namjoonun çocuğusun demişti. o gün bugündür giderek daha çok namjoon babama benziyorum
Ateş aynı zamanda bir ülkenin ekonomisini, insanlarını ve altyapısını yok etmek için de kullanılmıştır. Bunun belki de en iyi örneği, Saddam Hüseyin'in Irak ordusunun Kuveyt'ten çekilirken toprak yakma politikasının bir parçası olarak petrol kuyularını ateşe verdiği 1991'deki Birinci Körfez Savaşı'nda görüldü... Yangınları söndürmek yedi aydan fazla sürdü. Orijinali Fire has also been used to help destroy a country’s economy, as well as its people and infrastructure. Perhaps the best example of this was seen during the first Gulf War in 1991, in which the Iraqi army of Saddam Hussein set fire to the oil wells as part of a scorched earth policy while retreating from Kuwait... Extinguishing the fires took more than seven months.
Sayfa 95 - Oxford University Press, (çev. Google Çeviri), 1. baskı, UK, 2020.
But I believe that socially sanctioned prosthesis is merely another way of keeping women with breast cancer silent and separate from each other. For instance, what would happen if an army of one-breasted women descended upon Congress and demanded that the use of carcinogenic, fat-stored hormones in beef-feed be outlawed?
Sayfa 9 - Penguin Modern ClassicsKitabı okudu
that like the Prophet had satisfied the thirst of a whole army with water flowing from his fingers, and the whole congregation had heard a dry wooden post against which Muhammad (PBUH) had leant while delivering the sermon weep on being separated from him, the Splitting of the Moon had been transmitted by numerous authorities. That is to say, these events had been passed down from group to group forming such a vast congregation that a conspiracy to lie would have been impossible. Like the appearance of the famous Haley's Comet a thousand years ago had been unanimously reported, and the existence of the island of Ceylon was certain due to unanimous reports, although we had not seen it. Letters - 248
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