The guard, the tall one, had stopped walking—and now moved back in Ta’roga’s direction, holding its bow in both hands, an arrow resting between the curved wood and the string.It heard me.Ta’roga didn’t move. A minute passed, and then the man took off its head covering, a thick animal skin with metal stitched around the eyes, and set it gently on the ground before standing again, looking directly at the tree where Ta’roga sat. It moved closer, but didn’t seem to be searching for anything. Rather, it turned its hairy face from side to side, slowly. Listening.Ta’roga had never seen one so closely, and felt, for the first time, that perhaps One Eye was right to speak so respectfully of these creatures. It wasn’t charging to attack, or shouting for help, or deciding to ignore the small sound; it was thinking. Presented with evidence by its senses, it was searching for the source of what it had heard.Ta’roga’s mask blocked the sound of his breathing, but his heart beat quickly.
232 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
4 saatte okudu
İlk yıl bitti ve harikaydı. Okuduğum en sürükleyici çizgi romanlardandı. Gerçekten dc seven herkes okumalı diye düşünüyorum. Spoiler baya üzücü bir ciltdi benim için green arrow ve manhunter ölümünü beklemiyordum. Süpermen ilk ciltte biraz haklı bulsamda ikinci ciltde tamamen haksız duruma düştü. (Puanlama çizgi-romanlara göre yaptım)
Injustice: Tanrılar Aramızda - Birinci Yıl, Cilt 2
Injustice: Tanrılar Aramızda - Birinci Yıl, Cilt 2Tom Taylor · Çizgi Düşler · 2015211 okunma
Ok ancak geri çekilerek atılır. Hayat sizi zorluklarla geri çekiyorsa, sizi daha büyük bir şeye fırlatacağı içindir. An arrow is only shot forward by being pulled back. If life is pulling you back with challenges, it's because it's about to propel you into something greater.
“The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true.”
Not Exactly the Sun it’s a yellow light. I mean walking down the street it’s a yellow light there soundless.
Sayfa 199Kitabı okudu
"i am the bow from which the arrow of you was launched"
Muhammed Nurullah Yiğit

Muhammed Nurullah Yiğit

Muhabbet olmadan ilim ve hikmet ölüdür; akıl, hedini bulmayan bir oktur.
Sayfa 158Kitabı okudu
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