498 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
Very provocative! I gave it 10 stars not because I agree with all points Yuval made, but I find them intellectually stimulating. He is definitely smart and articulate. He draws interesting and philosophical conclusions from historical events. This book shall be deemed more of a philosophy book than a history one. So, overall it is a very thought
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Sapiens: A Brief History of HumankindYuval Noah Harari · Vintage · 201438,1bin okunma
377 syf.
Puan vermedi
Dostoevsky, Karamazov Brothers and Ecinniler, which constitute one of his greatest works together with Crime and Punishment , aimed to present the intellectual and religiously troubled periods of the 19th century Russia to the reader, and in the 21st century it has created a work that does not lose its validity and timeliness. The work of the liberal, conservative, atheist conflicts that did not rest even after hundreds of years, has managed to address the 21st century thanks to its immortal subject and typical characters that can appear in every age.
Ecinniler (Cilt II)
Ecinniler (Cilt II)Fyodor Dostoyevski · İlya Yayınevi · 2013102 okunma
256 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
34 günde okudu
What unfolds in these pages is the tragedy of an atheist who loves a believer, a son who cannot love his parents , a young man with no clear way forward. Into this story , Böll will weave a deeply satirical portrait of postwar Germany , painting it as a nation populated by ex-Nazis who have struck it rich through false contribution , a hapless
PalyaçoHeinrich Böll · Can Yayınları · 20191,611 okunma
164 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Yaradana Sığınıp Yapılan Bir Yorumlama :)
Ateistin kutsal kitabı mı olur kardeş? Kitapsız değil mi bunlar yahu? Dur biraz başa saralım. "Bütün çocuklar ateisttir, tanrı fikri onlarda yoktur." // Baron D'Holbach Kitapta geçen bu alıntı ile başlayalım. Okula başlar başlamaz aynı sene yaz tatilinde, çoğu çocuk gibi camiye Kuran kursuna gönderildim. Küçükken de Allah ismi hep
Ateistin Kutsal Kitabı
Ateistin Kutsal KitabıJoan Konner · Notos Kitap · 2011353 okunma