S. Ali

Amerikalılar hayatlarının yarısını reçeteli ilaçlarla geçiriyor
Americans spend half their lives on prescription drugs Many Americans will spend half their lives taking one or more prescription drugs. The average American man will be on drugs for 48 percent of his life, and this rises to 60 percent in American women. Most women start taking drugs around the age of 15, while men begin medicating from the age of 40, say researchers from Penn State's Social Science Research Institute.
İtibarsızlaştırılan Covid tedavisi yaklaşık 500.000 kişinin hayatını - 2
During the 28-day trial, which involved 3,885 patients with lifethreatening Covid infection, 352 were given the drug and the rest had standard treatment. Just 16.8 percent in the drug group died compared to 25.9 percent in the standard care group. Hydroxychloroguine, marketed as Plaquenil, regulates an overactive immune system, which was characterized as a "cytokine storm" during Covid infection. Patients who didn't receive it as part of their treatment had a 57 percent higher risk of death across all age groups in the study, the researchers said. Hydroxychloroquine was championed by then president Donald Trump, who said he was given the drug to treat his own Covid infection, but a study—later found to be fraudulent—had claimed it was ineffective. Critics have claimed the study was designed to fail as new vaccines cannot be fast-tracked if an effective treatment already exists.
İtibarsızlaştırılan Covid tedavisi yaklaşık 500.000 kişinin hayatını
Discredited Covid treatment would have saved nearly 500,000 lives An early treatment for severe cases of Covid-19 wasa lifesaver—although it was abandoned afterfraudulent research said it was ineffective. Many more Covid patients who were treated using the anti-rheumatoid arthritis drug hydroxychloroquine survived than those given the standard treatment at the time, say researchers from AZ Groeninge Hospital in Kortrijk, Belgium. If Covid patients had been given hydroxychloroquine throughout the epidemic, around 436,000 Covid deaths in the US would have been avoided, the researchers estimated

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Amerikalıların dörtte biri Kovid aşısından sonra ölen birini tanıyor
Nearly 25 percent of Americans say they know someone who died after having a reaction to one of the Covid-19 vaccines. Another? percent say they aren't sure whether the vaccine was responsible forthe death of a family member, friend or colleague.
İsrail'in "Pfizer için bir laboratuar" olacağı
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to provide Pfizer with epidemiological data to help it evaluate the effectiveness of its vaccine. He said Israel would be "the lab for Pfizer" because almost all the country's citizens have digitized medical records.
İsrail'in Covid aşısı "poster çocuğu" kalp krizinden öldü
Yonatan, the son and grandson of prominent Israeli doctors, appeared in a promotional video in 2020, urging Israelis to have the Covid vaccination. He was described by journalists as the poster child for the country's response to the Covid-19 epidemic. Israel had a very close relationship with Pfizer, the manufacturer of one of the mRNA vaccines. More than 70 percent of the population has received two doses of the vaccine following the government's agreement with the drug company to purchase 8 million doses.
İsrail'in Covid aşısı "poster çocuğu" kalp krizinden öldü
Israel's Covid vaccine "poster boy" dies from cardiac arrest Israel's "poster boy" for the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine died suddenly at age eight. Yonatan Moshe Erlichman suffered cardiac arrest on the eve of Yom Kippur and died several days later in the hospital.
Neden kimse Covid aşısı yaptırmıyor?
Why nobody is having the Covid booster jab The Covid-19 vaccine rollout was hailed as a major public health triumph— and yet only a tiny minority of vaccinated people have lined up fortheir booster shots. Only around 20 percent of the eligible population has had their booster—and most didn't because they still got infected, despite being vaccinated, and felt that infection offered better protection, say researchers from the University of Arizona Health Sciences. Worries about vaccine side effects were the second main reason to forgo the booster, cited by 31 percent of the group surveyed by the researchers. Others felt the booster wasn't necessary and wouldn't give any more protection than the original shot. Around 23 percent of participants didn't believe the vaccine worked anyway—and as most said they caught the virus after being vaccinated, they may have a point.
mRNA aşısı neredeyse her vakada kalp anormalliklerine neden oluyor
mRNA vaccine causes heart abnormalities in almost every case. In the week that Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman were awarded a Nobel Prize in Medicine for pioneering the mRNA vaccine, other researchers discovered it "significantly increases the risk" of heart abnormalities. Weissman warned as much in 2018 when he discovered the new mRNA technology caused "non-trivial" systemic inflammation and autoimmune reactions.
Regardless of who becomes the next signatory...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Regardless of who becomes the next signatory of the almighty buck, the role of the US and the dollar is shifting. That was a point that Federal Reserve Governor Christopher Waller drove home in a speech in February focused on the “dollar’s primacy.” While it’s rare for a senior Fed official to publicly discuss the dollar, Waller said, “The role of the United States in the world economy is changing, finance is always changing, and I think it is important for policymakers to regularly consider if and why the dollar’s role might change as well.”
The greenback is on one side of 90% of currency...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
The greenback is on one side of 90% of currency transactions worldwide, and two-thirds of international debt is denominated in dol-lars. Global commodity markets, such as that for oil, are ruled by the dollar.
from Beijing to Brasilia...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Whether it’s Trump or Biden who wins a sec-ond term, the next set of US Treasury officials will be stewards of the dollar at a time when pressure to move away from the greenback is building from Beijing to Brasilia.
The country suddenly...Türkçesi yorum ksımında
The country suddenly had a president and Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, willing to talk down the dollar. Trump repeatedly badgered Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell to cut interest rates to spur growth but also to weaken the green-back. And at one point he floated the idea of hav-ing the Treasury intervene in currency markets to force its value down.
Make America Great Again banner...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
Donald Trump tapped into the economic pain of this overlooked part of the nation. Under his Make America Great Again banner, he turned economic policy inward, unleashing volley after volley of tar-iffs, renegotiating trade pacts and lashing out via Twitter at American businesses that defied his call to bring jobs back to the US.
The strong dollar helped the US...Türkçesi yorum kısmında
The strong dollar helped the US economy prosper in the 1990s. Growth averaged 3.8% in inflation-adjusted terms under Bill Clinton, com-pared with 2.8% under his predecessors Ronald Reagan and George Bush. But the strong green-back also had insidious side effects. Coupled with the rise of China, it contributed to the hollowing out of the US manufacturing sector. The Rust Belt states saw factories shutter and company towns col-lapse as employers decamped to lower-cost locales.
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