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Alexander pushed his unruly black curls back from his face and said, "Well, obviously Richard will be Caesar." "Because we all secretly want to kill him?" James asked. Richard arched one dark eyebrow. "Et tu, Bruté?" "Sic semper tyrannis," James said, and drew the tip of his pen across his throat like a dagger. Thus always to tyrants. Alexander gestured from one of them to the other. "Exactly," he said. "James will be Brutus because he's always the good guy, and I'll be Cassius because I'm always the bad guy. Richard and Wren can't be married because that would be gross, so she'll be Portia, Meredith will be Calpurnia, and Pip, you'll end up in drag again."
139 syf.
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ALWAYS READ BEFORE YOU SIGN ANYTHING Omg, what was that? This is not BDSM at all. It was abuse. I don't care if she didn't read before she sign. Yeah it was a stupid thing to do but still I hated it. Why did she let a strange man bath her god dammit? Dummest heroine ever. Did he really have to punish her in front of a crowd? She was
Club Shadowlands
Club ShadowlandsCherise Sinclair · ‎ VanScoy Publishing Group · 20232 okunma
384 syf.
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Well, this was annoying. She talked about how little, small, petite she was and how big, strong, tall Joshua was in EVERY single f*cking page. I wanted to slap her for her 'i am a small girl and i need a big man to protect me attitude.' She was spoiled and he was overprotective, but not in a cute way. She was hurt by his snarky comments and name picking but wasn't that how it was supposed to do? I mean they hated each other and they were trying to make each other miserable. She was also being sarcastic and mean. So, why did he become the bad guy here? The book is called The Hating Game but they were even not playing after like 40-50 pages after the kiss. She was totally in love and didn't even bother to hide it. How couldn't she see he was in love too when she saw his apartment? It makes zero sense. There was absolutely no reason, no hate for them not be lovers at that point. She suddenly turned into a horny teenager and her crazy horniness was so embarrassing. She never tried to show him how he cared about him and she only objectified him i felt sad for the guy. And weren't they supposed to be rivals at work and fall in love while they were messing with each other according to the trope. So, what was all this about? It felt like the writer took 3 different tropes and combined them to make a different book(!). I'm sorry but she messed up. The only part I loved was their little dirty road trip conversation. It was both cute and hot.
Nefret Oyunu
Nefret OyunuSally Thorne · Yabancı Yayınevi · 20182,230 okunma
If someone has only themself their whole life, on-guard against everyone aside from themself at all times and all places, never being close to anyone, never feeling anything for anyone, only loving themself… wouldn’t that be miserable? Being a bad guy… is too painful.
And a part of me is... Sick...
“Just a bad day,” I finally squeaked. “This looks like more than just a bad day…but we can go with that story if it makes you feel better,” he said, reaching out to brush a tear from my face. All thoughts escaped me as I watched him bring the tear to his lips. He licked it off. And he seemed to savor the taste. “There, now we can share the bad day,” he murmured with a wink, completely unrepentant for the weird as hell thing he’d just done. A shocked cough came out of me. But a part of me also felt a little bit better. Because now it kind of felt like we were connected. And I couldn’t help but like that.
Blake-Ari.Kitabı okudu
I shook my head as I relived the moment I’d found Blake. Kidnapping her and taking her with me to some remote island didn’t seem like a bad idea at the moment. Because now that I’d found her…Now that I could breathe…You could fucking bet I would never let her go again.
Why am i the bad guy? Maybe i wanna be the hero sometimes, so used to people treating me like i'm evil. Maybe i wasn't born to be a hero, i should be evil.
Perhaps this is so because women have decided to award themselves the grand prize of Officially Oppressed Minority. They can do no wrong. How convenient. But even if we accept this baloney, the facts don’t add up. Women are not in the minority and some bad women do exist. Even so, let’s put reality aside for a moment and consider the trend. No one cares about your side. The rule is this: You’re the bad guy because you’re the man. ---- Belki de bunun nedeni, kadınların Resmen Ezilen Azınlık büyük ödülünü kendilerine vermeye karar vermeleridir. Yanlış yapamazlar. Ne kadar uygun. Ancak bu saçmalığı kabul etsek bile gerçekler bir anlam ifade etmiyor. Kadınlar azınlıkta değildir ve bazı kötü kadınlar da mevcuttur. Yine de bir an için gerçekliği bir kenara bırakıp trendi değerlendirelim. Kimse senin tarafını umursamıyor. Kural şudur: Sen kötü adamsın çünkü sen erkeksin.
When a woman gets out of a bad marriage, what does she get? Applause! Cheers, flowers, congratulations. Everyone is so proud of her for taking charge of her life and getting away from that awful beast. Friends throw parties, support groups gush all over her, self-esteem oozes from her pores. But what happens when a man decides to leave his wife? Just the opposite! Everyone rushes to the wife’s side. Overnight, a nice guy becomes a creep, a cheat, a crook. Judges punish you, friends desert you, the world condemns you. It doesn’t matter if your wife was the world’s worst woman – unbearable and loathsome. It simply doesn’t matter. It’s like this: When a woman wants out, she’s good; when a man wants out, he’s bad. ----- Bir kadın kötü bir evlilikten çıktığında eline ne geçer? Alkış! Şerefe, çiçekler, tebrikler. Hayatının sorumluluğunu üstlendiği ve o korkunç canavardan uzaklaştığı için herkes onunla gurur duyuyor. Arkadaşları partiler veriyor, destek grupları onun her yanından fışkırıyor, özgüveni gözeneklerinden sızıyor. Peki bir adam karısını terk etmeye karar verirse ne olur? Tam tersi! Herkes karısının yanına koşuyor. İyi bir adam bir gecede bir sürüngene, sahtekara, dolandırıcıya dönüşür. Yargıçlar seni cezalandırır, arkadaşların seni terk eder, dünya seni kınar. Karınızın dünyanın en kötü kadını, dayanılmaz ve iğrenç olması önemli değil. Bunun hiçbir önemi yok. Şöyle: Bir kadın çıkmak istediğinde iyidir; bir adam dışarı çıkmak istediğinde kötüdür.
'What am I doing with these people?' Guy thought. 'They are so good, and I'm so bad. I'm not part of their family, but if I try hard to live with them, that other man inside me, the bad one, will go away. He must!'
"There is not always a good guy. Nor is there always a bad one. Most people are somewhere in between"
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