Ne Okusam?
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From medieval images of Satan to bad guys in today’s low-budget action films, one repeatedly notes the theme that perpetrators of evil enjoy their violent and cruel actions.
We need stories to remind us why hope is complicated but necessary, because the opposite mode is to live neat lives powered by a self-affirming wireless fidelity to all-terrain gloom, where all signs point to defeat and despair waits at every turn. To hope is to embrace uncertainty, knowing the bad guys have not won yet.
İyi Adamlar seksi kabullenmenin nihai biçimi olarak gördüklerinden ve bir kadının seks yapmadan önce iyi bir ruh halinde olması gerektiğine inandıklarından, bu erkekler arzuladıkları kadını üzecek hiçbir şey yapmamak için sürekli çaba gösterirler. Ayrıca arzuladıkları kadın kızgın, depresif veya kötü bir ruh halindeyse, bunu düzeltmek için hemen bir şeyler - yalan söylemek, çözüm önermek, kendini feda etmek, manipüle etmek - yapmaları gerektiğine inanırlar. Since Nice Guys see sex as the ultimate form of acceptance, and they believe a woman must be in a good mood before she will have sex, these men are constantly diligent to not do anything that might upset a woman whom they desire. In addition, if a woman they desire is angry, depressed, or in a bad mood, they believe they must do something quickly — lie, offer solutions, sacrifice self, manipulate — to fix it.
"I love me some bad guys! Because no one gives a fuck no matter how badly I murder them!"
Vol 3, Chapter 25Kitabı okudu
"These guys already had plenty. How come they wanted an even better life? Maybe I'm the same. I shoulda been happy as long as I had Pochita. But I still dreamed of a better life. Oh, I get it. Everybody dreams. You can't help it. Then dreaming's not a bad thing. It's not a bad thing, but... If you're gonna get in our way... then die!"
Vol 1, Chapter 1Kitabı okudu
"tam da beğendiği gazetecilerdendi. Yani meselenin özüne odaklanabilenlerden. Blomkvist için gazeteciliğin altın kuralı, her zaman sorumlu birilerinin olduğunu bilmekti. The bad guys."
Sayfa 113 - Pegasus Yayınları
Blomkvist için gazeteciliğin altın kuralı her zaman sorumlu birilerinin olduğunu bilmekti. The bad guys.
People in this world cannot simply be divided into good guys and bad guys. In some ways, everyone is good and everyone is bad.
His gaze flicked to me, and then a slow smile pulled on the corner of his mouth. It was the kind of smile seen on the bad guy’s lips after stealing the girl. Warmth rushed beneath my skin; a prickling, breathless heat traveling all the way to my toes.
"You're here," O'Connell said, "and the bad guys are here, and they've kidnapped Evy ... can I guess the rest?" The Med-jai nodded gravely. "The 'bad guys' have liberated the creature from his grave." "What, the Scorpion King?" Unnerved, Ardeth Bay stopped, and said, "How do you know of him?" O'Connell, barely breaking stride, grabbed the Arab's sleeve and got him moving again, saying, "You weren't talking about the Scorpion King, were you? You meant that those clowns have dug up Imhotep!" Ardeth Bay nodded glumly.
"I used to be a bad guy. I know how bad guys think."
evt zukoş ama artık ÇOK iyi birisinnKitabı okudu
How easy it would be to just clamp down on the world around me. Suck up its life force and leave it dead in the street just because someone tells me I should. Because someone points a finger and says “Those are the bad guys. Those men over there.” Kill, they say. Kill because you trust us. Kill because you’re fighting for the right team. Kill because they’re bad, and we’re good. Kill because we tell you to. Because some people are so stupid that they actually think there are thick neon lines separating good and evil. That it’s easy to make that kind of distinction and go to sleep at night with a clear conscience. Because it’s okay. It’s okay to kill a man if someone else deems him unfit to live. What I really want to say is who the hell are you and who are you to decide who gets to die. Who are you to decide who should be killed.
"Hey, guys!” Leo spread his arms for a hug. “Sorry to leave you like that. Bad news: I died. Good news: I got better!"
Would it be so bad if he ate with us every day? Like Lenka’s and Dimka’s and, yes, almost all our guys sit at the table all together, and we almost never do that...Now, for example, Grandma is still laying the table for four people when she knows almost for certain that Dad won’t come. I asked her once why she does this; wasn’t it annoying to set an extra place on the table every time? And she told me that in decent homes the table must be set for everyone, except when someone was away or had specifically warned that he would not be home for dinner.
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