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Ayşe Kulin wrote this novel inspired by the life of Erzincan Governor Recep Yazıcıoğlu. The bridge, which could not be built after 30 years of bureaucratic procedures, the 1971 memorandum and government changes, cost the lives of many people. A citizen who could not get his pregnant wife to the hospital because there was no bridge, who lost his wife during birth and was left alone with his orphaned baby, went to the governor and explained the situation. He says that he cannot take care of the baby and that the governor must take care of him. With this incident, the governor said, "The place you cannot go is not yours." With this understanding, he rolls up his sleeves to build the bridge. He unearths 30-year-old dusty files. He tries to find engineers and obtain financial aid from businessmen from Erzincan. While these events were taking place on one side of the Euphrates, the Başbağlar Massacre occurred on the other side. After this massacre, in which 33 people died and mosques and houses were burned, the construction of the bridge became one of the most basic needs for the governor. By working with determination day and night, he wins the love of the people. He was known as the "Super Governor" with his different ideas during his time. Known as Recep Yazıcıoğlu. Mentioning actual events made the book more impressive. In the book, in addition to the life of the governor, the author also touches upon events such as the life of the local people, terrorism, Alevi-Sunni. I think it has a perfect explanation. A work worth reading, I recommend it. I hope the number of idealistic people increases... Have a nice read.
KöprüAyşe Kulin · Everest Yayınları · 20137.5k okunma
Başbağlar Katliamı
5 Temmuz 1993 Başbağlar katliamı. Hain terör örgütünün Erzincan'ın Kemaliye ilçesinin Başbağlar köyünde 33 kişiyi köy meydanında kurşuna dizerek katlettiği o acı günden 24 yıl geçti . İlginç olan 3 gün önce Sivas madımak otelindeki katliamla verilen kayıp sayısı aynı olması kimisine göre bağımsız kimine göre misillime. Madımak , Başbağlar sağcı, solcu, sünni, alevi önemsiz detaylar birini savunup ötekini yanlız bırakanda onlardan farksızdır. Unutmadık Madımak! , Unutmadık Başbağlar!
Kaç yıldır devam eden gündem konularına bakın; en yakın hatırlanan ve hatırlanacak olanlar : 2 Temmuz Madımak , 5 Temmuz Başbağlar katliamı. Ya son bir kaç günün acısı? Ankara'da Eylül , Ağrı'da Leyla . Hak edilen öfke, linç istekleri, kimyasal hadımlık, idam. Kahretsin. Ne desek, ne düşünsek hatta ne istesek boş gibi. Hepsi için ise sadece bir kaç çaresiz kelime : Lanet Olsun Kötülük. Lanet Olsun Merhamet Yoksunu İnsanlık.
Başbağlar Katliamı(5Temmuz1993) okuduğum gün tevafuk işte..
Öyle çok kanımız döküldü ki, iki nehrin suyu bu kanı yıkamaya yetmez. Ulu Fırat, ulu Dicle bile temizleyemez bu lekeyi.
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