
Gerçeğe ulaşmak, artık ölümden korkmamak demektir. Her ikisiyle de yüz yüze gelmek büyük cesaret gerektirdiğinden, ölümle gerçek birbirine benzer. Gerçekler de insanı öldürdüğü için, ölüm gibidir.
Metis Yayınları, 1990 baskısı.Kitabı okudu
127 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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It is a true story that tells how painful it is for a woman when the patriarchal order, which we constantly try to change and are constantly despised and ridiculed for it, combined with the abuse of religion. My eyes are full of tears because I can understand the difficulties that Firdevs character is going through. The things he is exposed to are so great, yet so ordinary for the society he lives in, that even this is enough to hurt a person. A woman is just a body and the only function of this body is to meet the needs of men. Age, position, profession, emotions etc. nothing matters. If you are a woman, you have to serve. Even the food you eat is so noticeable that you cannot feel satisfied. Is such a life possible? Is this called life? Having to question the intentions behind every look, seeing that many evils are hidden behind even the intentions that are perceived as good, being the target of these evils for no reason and never being able to escape... The facts are told in their simplest form, which is why we feel like our brains are on fire while reading, because as women, we do not need to empathize to understand Firdevs: we know. Even though we are thought to be freer in terms of clothes, thoughts and certain possibilities, haven't we also experienced the harassment of dozens, maybe hundreds of pairs of eyes that we cannot even pay attention to their color? Hasn't every action we interpret as goodwill turned into an expectation from us? Are we not convicted even when we are innocent? Aren't we exposed to efforts to denigrate women every day as much as efforts to exonerate men? I kiss your beautiful nose, Firdevs, to the free years when women did not have to look away...
Sıfır Noktasındaki Kadın
Sıfır Noktasındaki KadınNevâl El-Seddavi · Metis Yayınları · 198713.8k okunma
127 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Sıfır Noktasındaki Kadın
Nevâl El-Seddavi
8.5/10 · 13.8k reads

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