I shall never see the snows of another winter - I do believe that I shall never again feel the vivifying warmth of another summer sun; and it is in this persuasion that I begin to write my tragic history.
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IMMORTALITY THROUGH REMEMBRANCE "The life that you seek you never will find: when the gods created mankind, death they dispensed to mankind, life they kept for themselves.” (Sippar Tablet iii(1-5)) Says Shammash, in The Epic of Gilgamesh. The desire of living is the most fundamental element of being human. Even though it is impossible,
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Epic of GilgameshAnonim · Penguin Classics · 20035,1bin okunma
I have had to experience so much stupidity, so many vices, so much error, so much nausea, disillusionment and sorrow, just in order to become a child again and begin anew. I had to experience despair, I had to sink to the greatest mental depths, to thoughts of suicide, in order to experience grace.
People wait for the countdown to tell them that it’s okay to believe in themselves again. They end each year with failure, but hope that when the clock strikes twelve, they can begin the new year with a clean slate. They tell themselves that this is the year things will happen, never realizing that things are always happening; they’re just happening without them.
02:10 a.m.
People will miss you the moment you stop caring. The moment you moved on. Because that’s how it works. Most people only want what no longer belongs to them, what they once had but failed to appreciate. And it’s sad, you know? Because you can spend so much time devoted to someone while feeling ignored, but the moment you realize your worth, things begin to change. You begin to do things for yourself. You begin to see the light, feel it, and become it. You move on to bigger and better things. You meet different people and for a moment you find yourself being happy. And it’s just sad but also very good because you had to let go of someone who was once important to you to find yourself again. You had to water your own soul and find your own smile. And you spent and wasted so much time doing so, without knowing how to love yourself before. And that’s what’s terrible here. That’s the tragedy. How you always need someone to help you discover your worth and how you always need to lose someone you once cared about. Need someone you once loved to dig a hole in you, in order for you to finally learn to appreciate yourself for who you are. R.H. Sin * Falling Toward the Moon
“Bir insanın müzik listesine bakarak hakkında birçok şey söyleyebilirsin.” ~Begin Again ☕.~
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