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calamity = felaket calculator = hesap makinesi call for = talep etmek, istemek (= demand) calm = sakin can’t take one’s eyes off = gözlerini birinden veya bir şeyden alamamak cancel = iptal etmek (= call off) candidate = aday captivating = büyüleyici (= enchanting, fascinating) captive = tutsak, esir captivity = tutsaklık, esaret capture =
Türkçe söledik kimse annamii gurban!
When people become more depraved and cruel, they also invite more calamity upon themselves. The delay of calamity allows for the further increase of depravity and cruelty. While the victims endure these hardships, they gain rewards they cannot earn through worship and other deeds in this world, and this is a Mercy for them; The same event is for the oppressors to bear the consequences of their injustices for eternity. The judgment is passed! The oppressors will face eternal torment, while the oppressed will attain eternal blessings.
Bana bir oyun öğret ben onunla kolayca  Alayım gündüzleme palazın rolünü ezberime  Kanayım revnaklı ilk köhne baharın vızıltılı  Karnıbaharın tuzu ekşisi bol zeytinyağlı Dilimlerden bir dilim iyi pişmişinden İmbat eseninden bir gurûb vakti  Daha ne. Dilimse bir dilim gelirsem senin dillerinden  Piştik diyelim pîşem sattığım kadarıyla senin
To be, or not to be; that is the question; Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep: Nor more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to; ‘tis a