
Sıkı Okur
"Sine doctrina vita est quasi mortis imago," —öğrenimsiz hayat, ölümün bir imgesidir adeta.
XXI | entj
Klasik Filoloji ve Eski Çağ Tarihi
43 kütüphaneci puanı (Geçen ay: 1)
300 okur puanı
Mart 2023 tarihinde katıldı
Apostasy implies an absolute damnation only on the supposition of a previous perfect faith. Does that fix it?


, bir kitap okudu
256 syf.
Puan vermedi
Babylon Revisited
F. Scott Fitzgerald
6.6/10 · 31 okunma
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted – nevermore
I have frantically played the clown in order to disentangle myself from these painful relationships, only to wear myself out as a result.
New DirectionsKitabı okudu
Though I have always made it my practice to be pleasant to everybody, I have not once actually experienced friendship. I have only the most painful recollections of my various acquaintances with the exception of such companions in pleasure.
New DirectionsKitabı okudu
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