Ne Okusam?
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Chapter One: 1984
I'm seventeen years old. I don't know then that one day I won't be seventeen. I don't know that youth doesn't last, that it's only a moment, and then it disappears and by the time you finally realize it, it's too late. It's finished, vanished, lost.
20, it's only a moment.Kitabı okudu
Chapter Seventeen: January
-but I could tell she felt safe in that house. She grew feeling safe and fiercly loved." when he looked up, he was surprised to see that cleo's eyes had glazed with a thin film of tears. "that sounds nice" she said quietly. "and you and i didn't get that, not because we didn't deserve it, we just got dealt something else. but the people who did get that love, they grew up to be different from us. more secure. maybe they're not shiny or successful as you and i feel have to be. but it's not because they're not interesting. they just don't feel they have to do the tap dance, you know? they don't have prove themselves all the time to be loved. because they always were."
Chapter Seventeen: January
That never to experience achievements commensurate to your talent, never to receive adequate payment for your efforts, was terrible, demoralizing thing.
Chapter Seventeen
'' I wonder , '' he said, '' whether the stars are set alight in heaven so that one day each one of us may find his own again...'' '' Merak ediyorum da herkes bir gün kendi yıldızını bulabilsin diye mi ışık saçar yıldızlar acaba...''
Sayfa 97 - Panama / Second Edition / December , 2017Kitabı okudu
Chapter Seventeen
“You know your reputation is just what everyone else thinks of you, your character is what you really are.”
Sayfa 314
Chapter Seventeen
Sometimes an unexpected wave comes along, sucks you up and refuses to spit you back out.
Sayfa 211
Chapter Seventeen
Just because we didn’t end up on the same wave, doesn’t mean we aren’t still a part of the same ocean.
Sayfa 211
Chapter Seventeen
Maybe love isn’t something that comes full circle. It just ebbs and flows, in and out, just like the people in our lives.
Sayfa 210
Chapter Seventeen
Imagine all the people you meet in your life. There are so many. They come in like waves, trickling in and out with the tide. Some waves are much bigger and make more of an impact than others. Sometimes the waves bring with them things from deep in the bottom of the sea and they leave those things tossed onto the shore. Imprints against the grains of sand that prove the waves had once been there, long after the tide recedes.
Sayfa 209
Chapter Seventeen
"Lily. Life is a funny thing. We only get so many years to live it, so we have to do everything we can to make sure those years are as full as they can be. We shouldn’t waste time on things that might happen someday, or maybe even never.”
Sayfa 205
chapter seventeen 'Twitch
What can I say? I don’t trust people. At the best of times, I don’t even like people.
Sayfa 183
Chapter Seventeen * Elder
Pulling away, I nuzzled my nose against hers. “What you’re touching used to be my least vulnerable spot. I swore off feeling anything for anyone. I couldn’t stomach being hurt again.” She kissed me fleetingly, stealing my voice. “El—” “But then you came along. A better thief than I could ever be.” Her eyes widened, the hazel and emerald breathtakingly pretty this close. She laughed softly. “But I was arrested. I suck as a thief.” “You’re the best thief.” I kissed her nose, her eyelids, her cheeks, and finally her ear where I whispered, “You’ve done what no one else ever could. “You’ve stolen my heart.”
Chapter Seventeen
“I’m sorry.” His face darkened with sincerity. “I know I didn’t have a right to talk about you like a trophy to be won from your father. And I’m sorry for warning Mr. Hobson to keep his son away from you.” He smiled tightly. “I would say I did that for your benefit, but really, I did it for me.” His eyes fell on my chest. “I don’t do well with competition.”
eheheh Penn, neden bu kadar hoşsun?
Chapter Seventeen
“I don’t like liars, and I don’t like men who think they can use me.”
Noelle Charlston, Melike ve ben..
Chapter Seventeen, Jethro
“I’m so sorry, Nila.” Burying my face in her hair, I clutched her hard. “So sorry for everything—for what I am, for what I demand of you, for the things I can’t fix.”
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