Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Gönderi Oluştur
#1 - Social Engineering
In both of the earlier scenarios, not having enough a good enough plan and model will lead to failure. A good way to practice communication modeling is to write out a model for manipulating people you know well—a husband, wife, parent, child, boss, or friend—to do something you want, to take some action you desire. List the following five
Chapter Twenty-Four
“Sit, Khải, you look bad.” She directed him to a stone bench that overlooked the water. He sat, and she brushed the hair from his clammy forehead with cool, soft fingers. “You need water.” When she tried to pull away, he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close. “Don’t go.” “Okay,” she said, and she urged him to rest his cheek
Sayfa 268
Chapter Twenty-Two
the water glass got in his way. He reached for it, but Khai stopped him. “Don’t.” Quan blinked and asked, “Why not?” “I like it there.” Quan stared at the water glass before fixing his eyes on Khai with a look of dawning understanding. “Holy shit, it’s hers, isn’t it? Do you know how cute that is?” Rubbing at his jaw, he added, “Also maybe a little emotionally unstable. You’re not being creepy, are you? Like stalking with binoculars and calling her at night to make sure she’s sleeping alone?”
Sayfa 252 - kendimi yumruklayarak okuyordum bu sahneleri lfkjgljg
Chapter Twenty-Two
She didn’t need a man for anything. She only needed her own two hands.
Sayfa 236
Chapter Twenty-Two
"Life is complicated. There isn’t going to come a time when everything magically falls into place between two perfect people. You have to take your happiness where you can get it."
Sayfa 152 - Entangled Publishing - ebook
Chapter Twenty-Two
“If you love her, make things right. If you don’t, you’re always going to wonder if you could have done something to make it work. Don’t do that to yourself.”
Sayfa 152 - Entangled Publishing - ebook
Chapter Twenty-Two
“You don’t get to live your dreams by waiting around for someone to hand them to you.”
Sayfa 469
Chapter Twenty-Two
“When one door closes, another one opens. I might just have to do a little breaking and entering to get the right one for me.”
Sayfa 469
chapter twenty-two 'Twitch
She mumbles, “You said it yourself. You’re going to hurt me.” Underplaying my words, I shrug. “It’s bound to happen, baby. I’m sure you’ll hurt me too. But that’s just something that happens when you care about someone too much. Everyone gets hurt.”
Sayfa 246
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness, Sophia.” “You and I both know kindness is a weakness,”
Chapter Twenty-Two
Elder was my right, but I was his wrong. As I healed, he succumbed. As I got better, he got worse.
Chapter Twenty-Two
He was gravity. He was the moon, and I was the ocean, and together we couldn't look away for a moment.
Chapter Twenty-Two - Tessa
"Unfortunately, love doesn’t always go hand in hand with common sense.”
Gallery Books - kindle
Chapter Twenty-Two
"Feel that?" "Your heartbeat? Yeah, I feel it." "You leave me and that stops."