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"Heaven help me; I’m going to die just from a climax."
They kissed each other once again. Their kiss was a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act.
" There is a climax to everything, to every state of feeling as well as to every position in life. "
"I think, as a species, we have a desire to believe that we're living at the climax of the story. It's a kind of narcissism. We want to believe that we're uniquely important, that we're living at the end of history, that now, after all these millennia of false alarms, now is finally the worst that it's ever been, that finally we have reached the end of the world."
At the climax of a failure, at the moment when shame is about to do us in, suddenly we are swept away by a frenzy of pride which lasts only long enough to drain us, to leave us without energy, to lower, with our powers, the intensity of our shame.
In November 1923, Germany’s Great Inflation reached its climax. The mark sank to its final level: 4,200,000,000,000 to the dollar. Everyone counting on monetary assets or fixed incomes—on savings, insurance, bonds, mortgages, pensions, and the like—was wiped out. “The intellectual and productive middle class, which was traditionally the backbone of the country,” said one German leader at the time (Gustav Stresemann of the People’s party), “has been paid for the utter sacrifice of itself to the state during the war by being deprived of all its property and by being proletarianized."
Sayfa 252
İslâm’dan uzak bilim Hiroşimaları da gördü, Nagazakileri de gördü, kimyasal silah facialarını da, çocuklara LSD uyuşturucularının verildiği Bender deneylerini de, CIA’nın “Operation Midnight Climax” girişimlerini de, Nazilerin esirler üzerinde canavarca uyguladıkları akıl almaz deneyleri de.
Implicitly in the first edition, then explicitly in the second, Frazer characterized Jesus Christ as a typical Near Eastern dying-god figure, a fertility spirit, rooted in primeval magic, whose death and resurrection were designed to promote agriculture. But Christ also took away men's sins, and so Frazer's sixth section, the climax of the whole work, ends with an extended comparison of Christ with typically barbaric rites of human sacrifice. Christianity is reduced to just another example of the murky confusion of savage thought.
He climbed down with the leaves in his teeth; when they were back on the roof, he gave one to Hephaistion, saying, "Now do you know we shall go to war together?" The leaf sat in Hephaistion's hand, about the size of a real one. Like a real one it was trembling; quickly he shut his fingers on it. He felt now the full horror of the climb, the tiny mosaic of great flagstones far below, his loneliness at the climax. He had gone up in a fierce resolve to face, if it killed him, whatever ordeal Alexander should set to test him. Only now, with the gilt-bronze edges biting his palm, he saw that the test had not been for him. He was the witness. He had been taken up there to hold in his hand the life of Alexander, who had been asked if he meant what he had said. It was his pledge of friendship.
Sayfa 184 - Vintage Books – March, 1977Kitabı okudu
Süper bir his.
What is high-end audio? What is high-end sound? It is when the playback system is forgotten, seemingly replaced by the performers in your listening room. It is when you feel the composer or performer speaking across time and space to you. It is feeling a physical rush during a musical climax. It is the ineffable roller-coaster ride of emotion the composer somehow managed to encode in a combination of sounds. It is when the physical world disappears, leaving only your consciousness and the music. That is high-end audio.
We barely made it halfway through. It was an impossible task. Every time I had him, I discovered a new piece of him I wanted to claim. It was the opposite of satisfaction. With each climax, I only desired more. By the time we found ourselves crawling into the bed out of sheer exhaustion, I had come up with far, far more than a single night’s worth of fantasies.
"Ama efendim, bilime dini karıştırmak çok tehlikeli!" Ne kadar tehlikeli? Hitler'in üstün ırk (über-menschen) rüyasına ulaşmak için Harheim Ötenazi Merkezi kurarak ırk temizliğini yapmaya çalışırken bilimin sırtına binmesi kadar tehlikeli mi mesela? Bilim dünyasında kendisine 'Sir' Ünvanı verilecek kadar başarılı bir
The climax of the trial, the most dangerous moment, where the deceased could not simply rely on the Book, was the ‘weighing of the heart’ ceremony. Vignettes show Anubis leading the deceased forward; it is his duty to place the heart in the pan of the scales so that it might be weighed against the feather of Maat, the symbol of truth and justice.
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