Ne Okusam?
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There was another occasion when the enemy had given him an opportunity to attack but the Romans had shrunk from going into action and both sides had withdrawn. Marius then called an assembly of the soldiers and said: ‘I don’t know whom I should call the greater cowards, you or the enemy. You couldn’t stand up to the sight of their backs, and they were frightened by the napes of your necks.’
When someone was asking him why Spartiates do not dedicate the spoils from their enemies to the gods, he said: ‘Because they come from cowards.’
Fear could make some brave. But fear could also turn others into the worst kind of cowards.
Would the world ever have been made if its maker had been afraid of making trouble? Making life means making trouble. There's only one way of escaping trouble; and that's killing things. Cowards, you notice, are always shrieking to have troublesome poeople killed.
Sayfa 125 - HigginsKitabı okudu
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action.
Sayfa 68 - Act:III, Scene:IKitabı okudu
Nova crossed her arms. “Yeah, but they’re a coward, whoever it is. To leave a threatening message and not dare face me in person. Who does that?” “Cowards can sometimes be the most dangerous of all,” said Phobia.
Chapter 4Kitabı okudu
Ödlekler iyidirler, ilginçtirler, kibardırlar; bir kuleden insanların üzerine ateş etmeyi asla düşünmezler. Yaşamayı arzularlar, böylece de çocuk sahibi olacak kadar uzun yaşayabilirler. Ödlekler cesurdur. “Cowards”
In planning your assault, keep these principles in mind: Pay Attention to Gestures and Unconscious Signals. As Sigmund Freud remarked, “No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.” This is a critical concept in the search for a person’s weakness—it is revealed by
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