At regular intervals, for example, police have staged massive crackdowns on the yakuza, hauling in some 30,000 to 50,000 gangsters and associates each year. But while they make for impressive reading, the raids are mostly a form of harassment and, in particular, of publicity. These raids assume an almost ritual air because most of the gangsters are released in a few days through lack of evidence of criminal acts or because their offenses were minor. The gangs usually receive warning before the huge raids, and that well before authorities arrive on the scene, virtually all contraband is concealed and the highest bosses have gone into hiding. The raids end with a uniquely Japanese twist: so the police can save face, the gangsters generally leave behind a few guns for the officers to confiscate. In one publicized case in 1995, three police went so far as to buy local yakuza several guns which they could then confiscate.
The CIA was paying Corsican gangsters in France, particularly in the city of Marseille, to disrupt Communist strikes and help break the back of the French Communist Party. As was the case in Japan, much of France lay in ruins. Unemployment was high, wages low, and amid shortages of every kind, the black markets had become a way of life. As the CIA funneled cash and arms to the French underworld, the Corsicans were put in a powerful enough position to establish Marseilles as the postwar heroin capital of the Western world and to cement a long-term partnership with Mafia drug distributors.
Kleptomani ve İslam’ın hırsıza verdiği ceza
Bir hırsızın Kleptomani ( çalma hastalığı ) hastalığı varsa, dinin hırsızlık için verdiği ceza boşuna mı olmuş olur? Kuran’da hırsızlık için el kesme cezası vardır. Bu cezanın caydırıcılığı yüksek olduğundan dolayı insanların güven içinde hissettikleri, hırsızlıktan korkmadıkları, daha huzurlu bir toplum vaad ettiği söyleniyor. Bunu denemeden
Geçen yine kafa tutuyoruz
The Turks, worried about escalating problems with America, wanted a way out, or so we thought, trying to wrap an exchange for Brunson into the Halkbank criminal investigation. This was at best unseemly, but Trump wanted Brunson out, so Pompeo and Mnuchin negotiated with their counterparts (Mnuchin because Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control was also looking into Halkbank).5 In three-way conversations, Mnuchin, Pompeo, and I agreed nothing would be done without full agreement from the Justice Department prosecutors in the Southern District of New York, where the case, involving over $20 billion in Iran sanctions violations, was pending. (In my days at the Justice Department, we called the Southern District the “Sovereign District of New York,” because it so often resisted control by “Main Justice,” let alone by the White House.) Several times, Mnuchin was exuberant he had reached a deal with Turkey’s Finance Minister. This was typical: Whether Mnuchin was negotiating with Turkish fraudsters or Chinese trade mandarins, a deal was always in sight. In each case, the deal fell apart when Justice tanked it, which was why trying this route to get Brunson’s release was never going to work. Pompeo said, “The Turks just can’t get out of their own way,” but it was in fact Justice prosecutors who rightly rejected deals worth next to nothing from the US government’s perspective. In the meantime, Turkey’s currency continued to depreciate rapidly, and its stock market wasn’t doing much better.
Sayfa 170Kitabı okudu
Kritik bir bölüm
After our April retaliation for Assad’s chemical-weapons attack on Douma, Syria reemerged indirectly, through Turkey’s incarceration of Pastor Andrew Brunson. An apolitical evangelical preacher, he and his family had lived and worked in Turkey for two decades before his arrest in 2016 after a failed military coup against President Recep Tayyip
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Many of the female clients (perhaps even a majority) that I see in my clinical practice have trouble in their jobs and family lives not because they are too aggressive, but because they are not aggressive enough. Cognitive-behavioural therapists call the treatment of such people, generally characterized by the more feminine traits of agreeableness
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