Orgazmın mahrem tarihi kaynakçası
KAYNAKÇA Paul Ableman, The Mouth and Oral Sex, Running Man, 1969; Sphere, 1972 (The Mouth adıyla). Federico, Andahazi, The Anatomist, çev. Alberto Manguel, Doubleday, 1 998. Amy Anderson, "My G-spot Secret", Landon Evening Standard, 6 Mayıs 2003. Stephen Bailey (ed.), Sex, Cassell and Co., 1995. Françoise Barret-Ducrocq,
Sayfa 383 - AgoraKitabı okudu
Ceders in de Sneeuw
Op het midden van onze levensweg bevond ik me in een donker woud Omdat ik van de rechte weg was afgedwaald. Ach, hoe moeilijk is het onder woorden te brengen hoe woest en ruw en onbegaanbaar dat woud was! Wanneer ik eraan denk slaat mij de schrik weer om het hart ( Dante ) Hayat yolumuzun ortasında, doğru yoldan saptığım için kendimi karanlık bir ormanda buldum. Ah, o ormanın ne kadar vahşi ve engebeli olduğunu kelimelere dökmek ne kadar zor! Bunu düşündüğümde yine korkuyorum (Dante)
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Son: Bir şarkı ile kitabı bitiriyor.
There’s such a thing as trying too hard. You’ve got to sing like you don’t need the money, Love like you’ll never get hurt, You’ve got to dance like nobody’s watching It’s got to come from the heart if you want it to work.” “Come from the Heart” Song by Kathy Mattea
How can we be more antifragile?
Step 1: Create redundancies Instead of having a single salary, try to find a way to make money from your hobbies, at other jobs, or by starting your own business. If you have only one salary, you might be left with nothing should your employer run into trouble, leaving you in a position of fragility. On the other hand, if you have several options
“…There’s such a thing as trying too hard. You’ve got to sing like you don’t need the money— Love like you’ll never get hurt— You’ve got to dance like nobody’s watching— It’s got to come from the heart if you want it to work.” “Come from the Heart” Sung by Kathy Mattea
Central Asia - Russia - China - U.S.A - Turkey
After 1991, Turkey sought to gain influence in this mainly Turkic region(Central Asia); Iran and Pakistan also showed an active interest, and other Muslim countries offered money and support for the building of mosques and the restoration of Islamic monuments and institu-tions. The central Asian rulers welcomed such offers, and readily discussed