132 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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An endless effort.. A desperate hope.. There is no other way than hoping.. A dark sea.. The lighthouse of innocent hope within, its brightness... Who has no one but himself; A very old man... Santiago, the childish soul who tried to overcome 84 days of misfortune without getting discouraged! Sometimes success is not in concrete facts, but in abstraction. In times of loneliness, failure, difficulty, and at the last moments of our strength, it means being able to console ourselves, being able to see our mistakes, being friends with nature and other living creatures with love, even talking, and being able to bring our soul and body to the shore, even if what remains of our goal is its skeleton.
Yaşlı Adam ve Deniz
Yaşlı Adam ve DenizErnest Hemingway · Bilgi Yayınları · 202332.3k okunma
128 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 4 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
The master of Turkish storytelling is Sabahattin Ali, and my admiration increases when I see how he handles fine details like embroidery in every book I pick up and in every story I read. When you put in front of you the stories of people from all over Anatolia, with their real nakedness and all their emotions and experiences, you are surrounded by an atmosphere that you cannot get out of. Walking around the heroes in the stories, turning into a breathing tree, a raindrop, a wind and accompanying them all there, in those depictions. Sabahattin Ali's stories always aim to awaken common sense and become a lighthouse to open social wounds, rotten mentalities, human depression, depression and helplessness. I say Lighthouse because it doesn't change anything, it doesn't try to explain it better or more flashy, it doesn't show it differently. It just directs the light in that direction so that we can see what's going on. It is so clear that the light of this lantern competes with the light of day. It can be read again and again.
Yeni Dünya
Yeni DünyaSabahattin Ali · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 202127.4k okunma