Deniz Cansız

Deniz Cansız
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13 kütüphaneci puanı
130 okur puanı
Haziran 2020 tarihinde katıldı
"My memories may have gone, but my morals at least are still intact. You left Gallifrey in a fit of pique, and a stolen TARDIS, when your colleagues on the High Council refused to tolerate your arrogance. You selfishly took Susan with you because you felt it might be pleasant to have her company, wihtout considering what the departure might mean for her."
Sayfa 35 - BBC BooksKitabı okudu
"If we don't get back to the ship before they catch us, they will certainly kill us. Instead of leaving him to die - which he may as well do here as elsewhere - these sentimental fools want to patch him up and take him with us, making capture and death inevitable for us all.' 'And you had a better idea?' 'I could see a way of disposing of the problem.' 'And the end justifies the means?' 'In this case, yes. The lives of three innocent people and-' The Doctor smiled. 'And a Time Lord of Gallifrey?' 'Precisely!' 'It's still in you, isn't it?' said the Doctor. 'What is?' 'The ruthless arrogance that has been the curse of our Time Lord race. Nothing must endanger us, nothing must stand in our way. And if the lives of inferior beings have to be sacrificed, so be it!"
Sayfa 35 - BBC BooksKitabı okudu
"Memories flooded into the Doctor's mind. Memories of his childhood, of his mother smiling, of his father holding him up to see the stars. Memories of school, of the Academy, of playin truant to drink with the Shobogans, to visit an old hermit who lived high on a misty mountain. Memories of public life and of rising high in the ranks of the Time Lords. Suddenly he was in the Council Chamber on Gallifrey, wearing the high-collared orange and scarlet robes of the Prydonian Chapter, his voice raised in anger against his fellow council members. He was striding down the long marble corridors of the Capitol, still seething with anger. He stood in a vault, deep beneath the Capitol, opening the door of an obsolete, erratically functioning Type Forty TARDIS. He heard the voice of a young girl: "Grandfather, wait - I'm coming with you..."
Sayfa 33 - BBC BooksKitabı okudu

Okur Takip Önerileri

Tümünü Gör
"I'm a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey,' said the Doctor, quite eager now to shock. 'It's in the constellation of Kasterborus, 29,000 light years from Earth. And as for my being an alien - well, to me you're an alien. Actually I'm quite used to humans, I lived on Earth for a while." Sam studied him thoughtfully. "Well, as aliens go you're an improvement on the little green guys with pointy heads."
Sayfa 234 - BBC BooksKitabı okudu
"What's your name?" asked Sam. "You can call me the Doctor." "That's not a name it's a title. What's the rest of it?" "Smith. Doctor John Smith." Sam laughed. "I don't believe it." "What's so funny? It's a perfectly good name." "Of course it is! It's just that well- you're Smith and I'm Jones. Samantha Jones." She held out her hand and they shook hands. "Fancy that," said Sam. "Smith and Jones. It's a sign." "A sign of what?" "That we are made for each other." "I very much doubt it."
Sayfa 235 - BBC BooksKitabı okudu
"It had all been a long time ago and the memory was fading, becoming dream-like... One day, she was sure, the Doctor would return to Gallifrey. But not yet. He was young again, he was beginning a new incarnation, and all the cosmos lay before him."
Sayfa 237 - BBC BooksKitabı okudu
"Mahkemede fünyelerle ilgili soru sorulduğunda, Fénéon kısa bir süre önce ölen babasının, onları sokakta bulmuş olduğunu iddia etti. Savcı, sokakta fünye bulmanın oldukça sıradışı bir hadise olduğunu belirtti. Fénéon'un yanıtı şöyleydi: 'Sorgu hakimi bana onları neden pencereden dışarı atmayıp Bakanlığa götürdüğümü sordu. Gördüğünüz gibi, sokakta fünye bulmak gayet mümkün."
Sayfa 22 - Fabula KitapKitabı okudu
"And you know what, Thin Elderly? Sad parts are important. If I ever get to train a new young dreamgiver, that's one of the things I'll teach: that you must include the sad parts, because they are part of the story, and they have to be part of the dreams."
Sayfa 66 - Walter Lorraine BooksKitabı okudu
"May I talk now?" "Oh, all right. Very quietly, though." "I asked if we are a kind of dog." Littlest One, whose name was sometimes shortened affectionately to simply Littlest, was working on this night with Fastidious, the one who had been designated her teacher. Littlest was very small, new to the work, energetic and curious. Fastidious was tired, impatient, and had a headache. She sniffed in exasperation. "Whatever makes you ask such a thing? The other learners never ask questions like that." "That's because they don't take time to think about things. I'm a thinker. Right now I'm thinking about whether I am a kind of dog."
Sayfa 6 - Walter Lorraine BooksKitabı okudu
"People are not so dreadful when you know them. That's what you have to remember! And everybody has problems, not just you, but pratically everybody has got some problems. You think of yourself as having the only problems, as being the only one who is dissapointed. But just look around you and you will see lots of people as dissapointed as you are."
"Being dissapointed is one thing and being discouraged is something else. I am disappointed but I am not discouraged."
"It was as if every other joy in the world existed only to give a distant glimpse of that one"
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