Ne Okusam?
Giriş Yap
Gönderi Oluştur
"Hepimizin içinde aydınlık ve karanlık var. Karanlığı başkalarından saklamaya çalışırız çünkü onları korkutup kaçırmasından korkarız."
"Kolay gelen uzun sürmez ve uzun süren kolay olmaz."
"Bazen hayallerinin peşinden gittiğinde, onların bedava olmadığını ve bedelinin tahmin ettiğinden çok daha fazla olduğunu fark edersin."
"Ruh halim o kadar kötüydü ki bir süre bana mutluluk getiren hiçbir şeyden zevk almama izin vermedim."
"Our fears are temporary—they come and go throughout life. But regret is permanent—we carry it with us forever."
"What comes easy won’t last long, and what lasts long won’t come easy.”
I am dirty, Milena, endlessly dirty, that is why I make such a fuss about cleanliness. None sing as purely as those in deepest hell; it is their singing we take for the singing of angels.
Our fears are temporary, they come and go throughout life. But regret is permanent, we carry it with us forever. Korkularımız geçicidir, yaşam boyunca gelir ve giderler. Ancak pişmanlık kalıcıdır, onu sonsuza dek yanımızda taşırız.
She used to say, "What comes easy won’t last long, and what lasts long won’t come easy." "Kolay gelen uzun sürmeyecek ve uzun süren kolay olmayacak." derdi.
“Progress takes time, Luca. Don’t feel down. You might not be where you want to be, but you’re also not where you were yesterday... " "İlerleme zaman alır, Luca. Kendini kötü hissetme. Olmak istediğin yerde olmayabilirsin ama dün olduğun yerde de değilsin... "
Please take me back, Griffin. Because I love you more than the total of all my fears put together.” Griffin’s eyes went back and forth between mine. “What do you call a twenty-five-year-old British rock star who meets the girl of his dreams through a letter in second grade and drives to her house after she dumps him?” I laughed. “I don’t know. Impetuous?” Griff took both my cheeks into his hands. “Home. You call him finally home.”
Kalbimi bıraktım
"Dear Griffin, “For eight years, I’ve been afraid of the dark. “For eight years, I’ve been afraid of letting go. “For eight years, I’ve been afraid of being trapped. “For eight years, I’ve been afraid of fire. “For eight years, I’ve been afraid of trying. “Your love made me realize I wasn’t really ever afraid of the dark, I was afraid of what lurked inside the darkness. “I wasn’t afraid of letting go, I was afraid to accept what was already gone. “I wasn’t afraid of being trapped, I was afraid to be free. “I wasn’t afraid of fire, I was afraid to be burned. “I wasn’t afraid of trying, I was afraid of getting hurt.”
O kadar güzel ki yazmasam olmazdı
"Our fears are temporary—they come and go throughout life. But regret is permanent—we carry it with us forever. If you go and it doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to, you’ll be sad, but you’ll be able to move on knowing you tried to win his heart back.”
"I think sometimes in life we have to go for the gusto, and if people don’t think we’re acting ridiculous, then we’re not trying hard enough.”
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