I am embarrassed to tell it, so rudimentary it seems, like an infant’s discovery that her hand is her own. But that is what I was then, an infant.
However, in 1998, astronomers discovered that the universe’s expansion is actually speeding up. They fixed the problem by postulating the existence of ‘dark energy’. This is invisible, fills all of space and has repulsive gravity. The repulsive gravity is speeding up cosmic expansion. Dark energy accounts for about two-thirds of the mass-energy of everything, which means the major mass component of the universe was overlooked until 1998. For the discovery of dark energy, Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics.
In 1922 the Russian Aleksandr Friedmann found that the universe would still be shrinking or expanding even if it contained matter (which, of course, it does). And this discovery was made independently in 1927 by the Belgian Catholic priest Georges Abbé Lemaître. Today Friedmann–Lemaître universes are more commonly known as Big Bang universes.
Unlike Newton, however, Leibniz was more than happy to publish his work, and so Europe first heard about calculus from Leibniz in 1684, and not from Newton (who published nothing on the subject until 1693). When the Royal Society was asked to adjudicate between the rival claims of the two men over the development of the theory of calculus, they gave credit for the first discovery to Newton, and credit for the the first publication to Leibniz. However, the Royal Society, by then under the rather biased presidency of Newton himself, later also accused Leibniz of plagiarism, a slur from which Leibniz never really recovered. Ironically, it was Leibniz's mathematics that eventually triumphed, and his notation and his way of writing calculus, not Newton's more clumsy notation, is the one still used in mathematics today.
379 syf.
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2 saatte okudu
İlk kitapla başlayan efsane devam ediyor. Dünyamızın uygdusu ay üzerinde üç milyon yaşında olduğu tahmin edilen ve ne olduğu anlaşılamayan, tamamen dünya dışı dikili taş uzayın derinliklerine bir sinyal göndermiştir. Dünyalılar, bu yolculukta Jüpiter yakınlarında başıboş kalan Discovery gemisini kurtarmak ve mümkünse keşiflerini öğrenebilmek için yanıp tutuşmaktadır. Üç amerikalı Floyd, Chandra ve Walter Curnov , Tatiana Orlova yönetimindeki rus uzay gemisi Leonov' a bu nedenle gönülsüzce de olsa kabul edilir. Bu yolculukta hem birbirlerine, hem de tanrının yardımına hayati derecede muhtaç kalıyorlar. Kitabı okumak onu elimden bırakamayacağım, kadar vurucu ve yaratıcı fikirlerden örülmüş olaylar dizisine şahit olduğum müthiş bir serüvendi.
2010 : Uzay Efsanesi 2
2010 : Uzay Efsanesi 2Arthur C. Clarke · İthaki Yayınları · 2001171 okunma
The discovery of expansion of the universe was one of the great intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century
Sayfa 42 - Bentam Books NY
347 öğeden 291 ile 300 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.