I never liked the landsman's life, The earth is aye the same; Give me the ocean for my dower, My vessel for my hame. Give me the fields that no man ploughs, The farm that pays no fee: Give me the bonnie fish, that glance So gladly through the sea. When life's last sun goes feebly down And death comes to our door, When all the world's a dream to us, We'll go to sea no more.
Uçmak istediğini kimseye söyleme, yoksa düşürmeye çalışırlar... Arizona Dream
It seems like a lifetime ago. Like a long dream that deteriorated into a nightmare.
Nowhere 처음부터 끝까지 얼룩진 history 역겨운 그 이빨로 That always happens to me Nowhere 보랏빛으로 물든 빳빳한 dream and hope It's stained with blood 다 그런거지 That always happens to me
Dream World
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