223 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Son derece güzel bir bilim kurgu romanı. Kaptan Patrick Harris, hostes Due ile birlikte Ay'da Selene adlı gemi ile Susuz Deniz adı verilen yerde turistik seyahat düzenlemektedir. Bu yer, akışkan bir tozdan oluşan bir yerdir. Ancak son seferlerinde bir deprem olur ve Selene, bu akışkan tozun on beş metre altına gömülür. En başta farklı bir yerde kaza yaptıklarını düşünürler ancak sonradan bilim adamları Rawson ve Lawrence aracın yerini bulur. Çalışmalara başlarlar. Ancak Lawrence ve Pat'in önüne Ay ve Susuz Deniz sürekli engeller çıkarmaktadır. Acaba Pat ve diğer yolcular sağ salim kurtulabilecek midir ve Pat Sue'ya duygularını açabilecek midir? Soluksuz okunan bir roman.
Susuz Deniz
Susuz DenizArthur C. Clarke · Baskan Yayınları · 198453 okunma
440 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
I am writing english this criticism because I read with originale language. Hawover my book is abridged version. It is 56 page. Now I can start my comment. I think that the book is not very good. How did the writer write 440 page because the topic is very short. I read abridged version and I understand which the topic is shallow . This book was sold 1990s a lot. Why did people buy this book? What will you do? People sometimes read wrong books. Also I don't like Mark. Always people say this man is clever. I don't agree this people. I think he is repulsive. Thus, I cooled down this book because of this kid. Finally I don't understand FBI agent because they don't know how speak with child. As a result, Mark who know important information can't tell FBI due to FBI's attitude. Maybe John Grisham don't like FBI. I think that unless you read this book, you won't lose...
MüşteriJohn Grisham · Remzi Kitabevi · 2006111 okunma
Bitti ateş düşüncesi delice Bilinmez gitmez taki ölünce Öldükten sonra bitti sanılır Arkandan bir yazı asılır Onlar iki satır sanır Kağıt kapkara utanır Üzerinden iki damla düşer Kağıt üzerindeki ne küser⁠⁠⁠⁠
112 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 28 days
To leon werth when he was a little boy
Kişisel gelişim kitabı. Her ne kadar çocuk kitabı gibi görünse de. Özguven kazanimi, iletişim, Düşünme ve Sorgulama, Problem çözme becerisi, gibi konuları bu kitaptan öğreniyoruz. Resimlerdeki sulu boya çalışması da okuma merakını arttırıyor. Tam bir başucu kitabi. (The little prince is both for children due to its illustrations and imaginative fairy-tale quality and for adults due to its several observations about life and human nature. The story tries to find out the secret to what is really important in life an urges us to read at many different.)
Küçük Prens
Küçük PrensAntoine de Saint-Exupéry · Can Çocuk Yayınları · 2015236.2k okunma
My Life Has Turned to Blue (Maya Angelou)
I've heard the news that winter too will pass, that spring's a sign that summer's due at last. But until i see lying in green grass, my life has turned to blue.
"Since marriage affected the extended family group, fathers or uncles could arrange marriages for the good of the family without considering their children’s wishes. Most important was the engagement ceremony in which a prospective son-in-law made a payment symbolizing the purchase of paternal authority over the bride. The essential feature of the marriage itself involved placing the married couple in bed to achieve their physical union. In first marriages, it was considered important that the wife be a virgin so as to ensure that any children would be the husband’s. A virgin symbolized the ability of the bloodline to continue. For this reason, adultery was viewed as pollution of the woman and her offspring, poisoning the future. Adulterous wives were severely punished (an adulterous woman could be strangled or even burned alive); adulterous husbands were not. Divorce was relatively simple and was initiated primarily by the husband. Divorced wives simply returned to their families." "For most women in the new Germanic kingdoms, their legal status reflected the material conditions of their lives. Archaeological evidence suggests that most women had life expectancies of only thirty or forty years and that about 10 to 15 percent of women died in their childbearing years, no doubt due to complications associated with childbirth. For most women, life consisted of domestic labor: providing food and clothing for the household, caring for the children, and assisting with numerous farming chores. Of all the duties of women, the most important was childbearing, because it was crucial to the maintenance of the family and its properties." Jackson J. Spielvogel, Western Civilization
Was due ererbt von deinen Vatern hast Erwirb es um es zu besitzen Kendi kendisine düşünmesini öğrenmiş bir insan kendi kanaatlerine kendisi oluşturur
Sayfa 91 - Şule Yayınları
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