32 syf.
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Woody, Buzz ve tüm ekip geri döndü. Sahipleri Andy üniversiteye gitmeye hazırlanırken, sadık oyuncakları kendilerini yapışkan küçük parmakları olan evcilleşmemiş çocukların pek hoş oynayamadığı kreşte bulur. Barbie'nin muadili Ken'e, Bay Pricklepants adlı tiyatrocu kirpiye ve Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear adlı pembe, çilek kokulu oyuncak ayıya katılarak büyük kaçışlarını planlarlar.
Toy Story 3: The Great Toy Escape
Toy Story 3: The Great Toy EscapeDisney Book Group · 20132 okunma
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George R. R. Martin – Game Of Thrones
George R. R. Martin
George R. R. Martin
A Game of Thrones
A Game of Thrones
Lord Eddard Stark leads a peaceful life with his wife, children and people, until one day King Robert Baratheon visits Winterfell. Robert Baratheon offers Eddard Stark to come with him to the king’s land to ensure the rule of the Seven Kingdoms that he and Eddard Stark won in their time. Eddard Stark’s wife could not resist this offer, and Eddard Stark and his two daughters went to the King’s land. Robb is appointed Lord of Winterfell as his father’s heir. Brann struggles with his disability for evil reasons. Rickon grows up without a father at a very young age. And the main one is Jon Snow. Because Jon is from Eddard Stark’s different wife, he has never been able to find the same maternal love for other children by Catelyn Stark. In this book, we will now see Jon slowly standing on his own two feet. Many adventures will await him. For Jon, the journey to Surf begins with his uncle Benjen Stark. This is an epic tale with strong links to historical events of the Middle Ages (circa 15th century) and practices of the age. I would recommend the series as a must read for any lover of fantasy. Source: e-kitapstore.com/en/george-r-r-m...
A Game of Thrones
A Game of ThronesGeorge R. R. Martin · Harper Voyager · 20129k okunma
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J. R. R. Tolkien – The Fall Of Gondolin
J. R. R. Tolkien
J. R. R. Tolkien
The Fall of Gondolin
The Fall of Gondolin
Fans of Tolkien and his Silmarillion will not be too disappointed in this book. It’s not as recursive as Beren and Luthien and the strong descriptions of Gondolin’s destruction are really quite fun. Fantastic world, a story of struggle, hesitation, love, betrayal, and a final disaster that has been the greatest triumph of the forces of evil. Source: e-kitapstore.com/en/j-r-r-tolkie...
The Fall of Gondolin
The Fall of GondolinJ. R. R. Tolkien · HarperCollins Publishers · 0917 okunma
The beauty of the evening seemed ominous of disaster. It was the closing of a book that would never be read again, and better close such a book than leave it lying about to get dirtied. The volume of their past must be restored to its shelf, and here, here was the place, amid darkness and perishing flowers.
A placebo cure is almost always temporary, and we are looking for permanent resolution of the pain. Therefore, we would not be satisfied with a placebo cure. This is all too common. People are administered a large variety of physical treatments, feel better for a few days, and then need another treatment. (And, of course, they never overcome their fear of physical activity.) One of the reasons I know the TMS program does not induce a placebo reaction is the fact that almost all patients have permanent resolution of symptoms. A second reason is that the placebo effect is based on blind faith; patients know little or nothing about the disorder they have and the rationale for treatment. They simply trust the treating practitioner. The educational program employed in the treatment of TMS is the very opposite. I teach patients literally all I know about the disorder; they are encouraged to ask questions, and they are warned that they must find the diagnosis logical and consistent. Their recovery depends on information, on awareness. They are active participants in the recovery process. This is anything but a placebo process. Perhaps the most compelling argument that what we do is not a placebo is the fact that on numerous occasions since the publication of the book Mind Over Back Pain, the predecessor of this one, people have reported complete and permanent resolution of pain simply by reading the book. There is no personality influence here, no bedside manner; just plain, solid information. And we have learned that that's what it takes to banish TMS.
Sayfa 109Kitabı okudu
The Darwin Effect
Prof. Dr. Jerry Bergman, Darwinizm'in 2. Dünya Savaşı'nın üzerindeki etkisi hakkında şöyle bir tespitte bulunmaktadır: Darwinci fikirlerin Alman düşünce sistemi ve uygulaması üzerinde çok büyük bir etkiye sahip olduğuna dair deliller çok açıktır...Aslında Darwinci fikirlerin II. Dünya Savaşı'nın çıkması, 40 milyon insanın ölümü ve yaklaşık olarak 6 trilyon doların kaybedilmesinde çok büyük bir etkisi vardı. Evrimin gerçek olduğuna kesin olarak inanan Hitler kendisini insanoğlunun günümüzdeki kurtarıcısı olarak görmüştü... Daha üstün bir ırk üretmek suretiyle, dünya Hitler'e, insanlığı evrimin daha üst bir seviyesine çıkarmış olan adam olarak bakacaktı. The Darwin Effect: Its Influence on Nazism, Eugenics, Racism, Communism, Capitalism & Sexism goodreads.com/book/show/21912...
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