I told Edith about a summer in college when a few of us had gone to someone's holiday home in West Cork. I slept on the couch, two of us the lads took a mattress on the floor, and in the dark one of them came and lay on top of me - calmly, as if instructed to. I whispered I wasn't sure, which meant get off but I'm scarfed what you'll do if I say that, andhe ignored me. His breath tanged of alcohol. I thought it was Colm but it might have been Ferdia. I couldn't see. Probably I could have deduced Ferdia or Colm, but I didn't, because then I'd know, and then for all subbsequent interactions with either Colm or Ferdia, which I'd have to keep having because no one would believe me or they'd say yeah bu he's his own problems, I'd remember what he did, know his own memory of events was that we'd got durnk and hooked up, and be certain, too, that our friend would 'not take sides', i.e. treat me likesomeone who might be lying about rape. I told myself what they'd say - grey area, I just don't think he'd do that - and soon became convinced I was actually making it up, then felt like a sick amoral person for falsely accusing someone of something that I hadn't accused him of and that he had in fact done.
E bu been
Ölü mü diri mi belli olmayan, kilisenin duvarına yaslanmış, kıpırdamadan oturan çırılçıplak bir adam vardı karşısında.
Kim o? been
877: Cabir (Allah Ondan razı olsun) şöyle demiştir: Peygamber (sallallahu aleyhi vesellem)’e geldim. Kapısını çaldım. Rasûlullah (sallallahu aleyhi vesellem): Kim o? dedi. Benim diye cevap verdim. Peygamber (sallallahu aleyhi vesellem) Benim Benim diyerek benim bu cevabımı beğenmediğini ifade ettiler. (Buhari, İstizan 17, Müslim, Adab 38)
E bu been :)
Zelzeleyi gören yangına razı olur: Felâket çeşit çeşittir. Çok büyük acılar, sıkıntılar, dertler veren olaylarla karşılaşan kişi, daha az acı ve üzüntü veren bir olayla karşılaştı mı şikâyetçi olmaz.
E bu been :D
Hem uyuyorum hem uyanığım, ne uyuyorum ne uyanığım...
E bu been :)
Sokakta giderken, kendi kendime Gülümsediğimin farkına vardığım zaman Beni deli zannedeceklerini düşünüp Gülümsüyorum.
Sayfa 215Kitabı okudu