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Ellery belirli bir nedenden ötürü yalnız kalmaktan korkan, "hayat dolu", iyiliksever ve hemen kanınızın ısınacağı bir karakter. Connor ise 30 yaşında başarılı bir Ceo, kadınları sadece zevki için kullanan bir karakter. Ellery'nin iyilik dolu kalbi sayesinde olur tanışmaları. Şimdi gelelim benim yorumuma. Kitabı okurken oradan buradan
Daima Aşk
Daima AşkSandi Lynn · Elf Yayınları · 2014181 okunma
"What kind of power would you want?" he asked , changing the subject. He turned his face toward her, laying her cheek against the top of the seat. Still smiling. "I'd want to fly," Eleanor said, looking away from him. "I know it's not very useful, but... it's flying." "Yes," he said.
"You can't shave your head. You'll look mental." "I look worse than mental with this hair. I look evil." "There's no such thing as evil hair," Simon giggled. They were lying on the floor of the library between two rows of shelves. Baz on his back. Simon propped up one shoulder. "Look at me," Baz said, pushing his chin-length hair back from his forehead. "Every famous vampire has a widow's peak like this. I'm a cliché. It's like I went to the barber and asked for 'a Dracula.' " Simon was laughing so hard, he nearly fell forward onto Baz. Baz shoved him up with his free hand. "I mean, honestly," Baz said, still holding back his hair, trying to keep a straight face. "It's like an arrow to my face. This way to the vampire." Simon swatted Baz's hand away and kissed the point of his hairline as gently as he could. "I like your hair," Simon said against Baz's forehead. "Really, really."
Sayfa 335Kitabı okudu
"Bees!" "Seatbelts!" "Recycling!" "Friends!" "Okay," said Mr. Browne, writing all those things down. He turned around when he finished writing to face us again. "But no one's named the most important thing of all." We all looked at him, out of ideas. "God?" said one kid, and I could tell that even though Mr. Browne wrote "God" down, that wasn't the answer he was looking for. Without saying anything else, he wrote down: WHO WE ARE!
Sayfa 41
Yet each man kills the thing he loves By each let this be heard, Some do it with a bitter look, Some with a flattering word, The coward does it with a kiss, The brave man with a sword! Some kill their love when they are young, And some when they are old; Some strangle with the hands of Lust, Some with the hands of Gold:
face to face
Kendi bakışlarındaki güvensizliği görme korkusuyla aynaya bakmaya cesaret edemiyordu, ama üstünde başında yaşadığı tutkulu saatleri ele veren bir iz kalmış mı diye bakması gerekiyordu.
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