Spinoza'nın kolektif özgürlük görüşü
''Another point that is vindicated for feminism from Spinoza's philosophy is the role that corporality plays in its thinking, which also allows feminism to think about the consequences that materiality has in the analysis of oppressions. The idea that the body is always in a social context, as it is composed of other bodies, helps feminism to examine the oppression of women from this perspective, since freedom for Spinoza is a collective and not an individual matter.'' (Feminizm'in Spinoza'nın felsefesinde olumlanan bir diğer noktası, kurumsal olanda ''ataerki düşüncede'' oynadığı roldür, bu da feminizmin baskılar karşısında direnç ve baskının analizindeki önemini ortaya koyar. Bedenin her zaman ana gündem konusu olması, diğer bedenleri de kapsadığı için, feminizmin, kadınların bu perspektiften baskıyı incelemesine yardımcı olur. Çünkü Spinoza özgürlüğü bireysel bir konu değil kolektiftir.)
Tecavüz, uygar toplumda göz yumulmayacak bir rezalettir.
Rape is an outrage that cannot be tolerated in civilized society.
Pantheon BooksKitabı okudu
Defloration is destruction. But nature creates by violence and destruction. The commonest violence in the world is childbirth, with its appalling pain and gore.
Pantheon BooksKitabı okudu
Milestones of First Wave Feminism
1770–84 Abigail Adams corresponds with her husband 1792 Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman 1821 Frances Wright, Views of Society and Manners in America 1837 Harriet Martineau, Society in America 1837 Angelina Grimké lectures in public about abolition and women’s suffrage 1837 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady attend World
Icon BooksKitabı okudu
Some people ask, ‘Why the word feminist ? Why not just say you are a believer in human rights, or something like that?’ Because that would be dishonest. Feminism is, of course, part of human rights in general – but to choose to use the vague expression human rights is to deny the specific and particular problem of gender. It would be a way of pretending that it was not women who have, for centuries, been excluded. It would be a way of denying that the problem of gender targets women. That the problem was not about being human, but specifically about being a female human. For centuries, the world divided human beings into two groups and then proceeded to exclude and oppress one group. It is only fair that the solution to the problem should acknowledge that.
Virginia Woolfs declaration in A Room of One's Own (1928) became a prophecy of the future, as well as an account of the past: 'the history of men's opposition to women's emancipation is more interesting perhaps than the story of that emancipation itself'.
Sayfa 33 - Pelgrave MacmillanKitabı okudu
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