(...) And I can likewise consider the body of a human being as a kind of machine made up of bones, nerves, muscles, veins, blood, and skin so fitted together that, even if there were no mind within it, it would still have all the movements it currently has that do not result from the command of the will (and hence the mind).
Sixth meditation, Oxford University Press
I will think that the sky, the air, the earth, colours, shapes, sounds, and all external things are no different from the illusions of our dreams, and that they are traps he has laid for my credulity; I will consider myself as having no hands, no eyes, no flesh, no blood, and no senses, but yet as falsely believing that I have all these.
First meditation, Oxford University Press
First Blood
Sanatçı patolojiktir. Sanatçının sahnelenmesi maraz doğurur. Geceleyin karlı kayın ormanında yürümek her babayiğitin harcı değildir.
Sayfa 165 - Sel YayınlarıKitabı okudu
Pre-eclampsia is a disorder of pregnancy which can affect most organs of the mum’s body, causing liver and kidney damage, swelling of the brain, fluid in the lungs and platelet problems, as well as problems with baby’s growth and wellbeing. It ultimately progresses to eclampsia – life-threatening fits. Most cases of pre-eclampsia are mild, but every pregnant patient has their blood pressure and urine protein measured at each visit, in order to pick up the condition at an early stage. The only cure for pre-eclampsia is delivering the placenta (and necessarily the baby first).
This presentiment, this expectation permeated my whole being; I breathed it, it coursed through my veins in every drop of blood ... it was fated to be speedily realised. Bu önsezi, bu beklenti tüm varlığıma nüfuz etti; Nefes aldım, damarlarımda aktı, her damla kanda... Kaderdi, hızla gerçekleşecekti.
It wasn’t my first death as a surgeon, nor would it be my last. It also wasn’t the first time I had walked away from a family with blood on my clothing. The first time that happened I was going off to college, and the family was my own.
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