Şu anda, hala elim ayağım tutuyorken hiç olmazsa yaşamımın bir kısmını ele geçirebilirim, çok mu fazla şey istemiş oluyorum? Başkalarına hizmet etmekten, hep başkalarıyla ilgilenmekten bıktım usandım. Evet, Frederick haklı. Sonsuza dek bir boyunduruk yeminine bağlı kalmak zorunda mıyım? Sonsuza dek, pişmanlık duyduğum bir yaşam mı sürdürecektim?
Sayfa 327 - AyrıntıKitabı okudu
"Trajedi o ki" diyordu Frederick Nietzsche, "din ve metafiziğin dogmalarına inanamayız" fakat "kurtuluş ve avuntunun bu en üstün aracına ihtiyaç duymayı" sürdürürüz. Şen Bilim'de, kendi tabiriyle "üstün insanlara" şöyle sesleniyordu: "Aklınızı gizli tutun!" İnancını akla başvurmadan sahiplenen ve dolayısıyla görüşleri onun tarafından çürütülmeye bağışık olan kitlelere Akıl taşımak için mücadele etmenin bir anlamı yoktu. Halk "daima yalan söyler"di ve akılcı argümanlar geçidi, sadece onun huzurunu kaçırmaya yarayacaktı. İyisi mi cehalet içinde kendi hallerine bırakılsınlardı. Bu en azından ihtilafların önünü keserdi. Bir kesimin aydınlanmasının temeli belki de, Nietzsche'nin çekinmeden savunduğu gibi, diğerlerinin köleleşmesiydi.
By the middle of the 19th century in Germany, theism began to falter; it was indeed on the verge of collapse. There were several familiar causes of this crisis, all of which made the demise of theism seem imminent and inevitable. There was Kant’s critique of the traditional proofs of the existence of God, which had exposed the weakness of reason in knowing the unconditioned; there was Strauss’s, Bauer’s and Baer’s biblical criticism, which had undermined faith in the sacred status of the Bible; there was Vogt’s, Moleschott’s and Buchner’s materialism, which had attacked the orthodox beliefs regarding the age of the earth, the origin of human beings and the immaterial status of the soul; and there was Feuerbach’s anthropology, which explained religion as the hypostasis of human powers. All these developments had taken place by the 1850s. The 1860s brought even more bad tidings for theism. This was the decade when Darwinism was introduced into Germany, where it spread rapidly, far more quickly than in its native England, and where it soon became official science. 14 Darwinism seemed to undermine the last refuge of theism—the mystery of life itself—because it could explain the origin of species on a naturalistic basis. For all these reasons, by the late 19th century, theism seemed doomed. When Nietzsche declared the death of God in the 1880s, he was only drawing attention to an event that had been long in the making.
Because many Nietzsche scholars are ignorant of his context, they tend to ascribe an exaggerated originality to him. The ideas of nihilism, the death of God, ressentiment, for example, were not coined by Nietzsche.
In the course of explaining Christian doctrine, Mainländer introduces a very modern and redolent theme: the death of God. He popularized the theme before Nietzsche, though he gives it a much more metaphysical meaning.
The will to live is most apparent in the sex drive; and in acting on that drive, we perpetuate suffering by creating another human being. Only through chastity, then, do we break the cycle of desire and end the suffering of mankind. But Mainlander’s emphasis on chastity is sometimes extreme; he went beyond the demand for chastity and called for nothing less than virginity, which was for him the only certain sign of self-denial (219). There is, of course, a great difference between chastity and virginity: a chaste person has learned to control his or her sex drives, though he or she has perhaps indulged in them; a virgin, however, has never acted on his or her sex drives. Mainlander insists on nothing less than virginity because—in a world of uncertain birth control—this alone ensures that life does not perpetuate itself. The demand for virginity caught the notice of Nietzsche, who dismissed Mainlander as the “sentimental apostle of virginity”.
mainlander, ethics, sex drive, chastity, virginity, nietzscheKitabı okudu
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