laf aramızda ben gürültülü arabalardan sarkan o adamlara hiç inanmıyorum. gökyüzüne bakarmış gibi fotoğraf çektirenlere de. televizyonda ağlayan kadınlara, birbiriyle kavga edenlere ve âşık olanlara parlak ekranlarda. küresel ısınmaya da inanmıyorum, dünya barışına da. botoks, g-8, anti aging, prozac, paris hilton, bodrum, brokoli, live earth ve daha nice zırvalar. sahi michael jackson vardı ve madonna. ne oldu onlar? papa kutsadı mı? afrika’ya gittiler mi tekrar? snead o’connor’ın saçları eskisi gibi mi?
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Read in 33 days
It mentions on the system whose slaves are people who are not aware of whom they are serving, how they are used to broaden their kings' independency circle. It is about kings and slave, they are the notions that mean nothing on earth created by God.Power only belongs to God.The efforts of being power or holding power are futile.How people are enslaved which is drawn by some excerpts from holy books and author also exemplifies the situation in detail.It is short but meaningful saying "Veritas vos liberabit!" Reality makes you free.
Köleler ve Efendiler
Köleler ve EfendilerHamza Yardımcıoğlu · Şira Yayınları · 2017467 okunma
Dead men fall... the halls of the gods are red with blood... the Sun succumbs to darkness... the weather is sharp and cruel. A golden-combed cockerel wakes up Odin’s warriors and another one crows beneath the earth in the realm of Hel. Garm, the terrible hound, breaks loose and the ravening one runs free (he who will fight Tyr at Ragnarok). For I have much wisdom and I can see far; I can see the destruction of the god.
Küresel ısınmaya da inanmıyorum, dünya barışına da. Botoks, G-8, anti aging, Prozac, Paris Hilton, Bodrum, brokoli, live earth ve daha nice zırvalar. Sahi Michael Jackson vardı Madonna. Ne oldu onlar? Papa kutsadı mı? Afrika’ya gittiler mi tekrar?
Paranın satın alamayacağı bir şeye sahip olana kadar zengin sayılmazsınız. Garth Brooks
In a few thousand years men had emerged from barbarism to a stage of civilisation that made them feel lords of the future and masters of the earth! But what was to prevent the ants evolving also? Such ants as one knew lived in little communities of a few thousand individuals, made no concerted efforts against the greater world. But they had a language, they had an intelligence! Why should things stop at that any more than men had stopped at the barbaric stage? Suppose presently the ants began to store knowledge, just as men had done by means of books and records, use weapons, form great empires, sustain a planned and organised war?
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