━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Heart! We will forget him! You and I- tonight! You may forget the warmth he gave - I will forget the light! When you have done, pray tell me That I may straight begin! Haste! lest while you're lagging I remember him! ⊱ ━━━━━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━━━━━ ⊰ Yürek! Onu unutacağız! Bu gece - sen ve ben! Sen verdiği sıcaklığı unutabilirsin - Işığı unutacağım ben! İşini bitirdiğinde, ne olur söyle Ki hemen başlayayım! Çabuk ol! yoksa sen oyalanırken Ben onu hatırlarım! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Sayfa 8 - Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları II. BasımKitabı okudu
İncest Novel
“I don’t have a family… I don’t have a family like yours. Actually, I don’t know what a family is or how it is supposed to be. When I meet your family, the feelings that I will have scare me. What if a family is a really wonderful thing… Then I will see how great my loss is. I have managed to stand on my own without realizing the value of a family until this age. What if a family is an invaluable entity… I will stumble and fall if you don’t hold my hand and help me up.” Pınar pulled her hands away from her legs and grabbed Blue’s hand tightly, continuing to speak. “In the dorm rooms where I stayed, it said ‘Family is everything’ on the bathroom doors. What was everything? What could fit into it? Was family both pain and happiness? Was it both sadness and joy? What was everything that family was supposed to be? These questions gnawed at my brain for years. Just when I think I have found all the answers… the questions suddenly change. I have grown tired of this vicious cycle of searching for answers to these questions. I gave up a long time ago.”
Sayfa 154 - Mavi UluKitabı okudu
Şirketin mevcut varlıklarını (alacakları, nakit parası ve tahvilleri) alt alta toplamak, ardından tüm yükümlülüklerini çıkarmak. Bu, size şirketin net değerini veriyordu. Hisse fiyatına ancak bundan sonra bakılmalıydı. Eğer hisse değeri net varlıkların altındaysa satın almaya değerdi ve potansiyel olarak kârlı bir satın alma olabilirdi. Ancak eğer hisse değeri şirketin net değerinden daha yüksekse yatırım yapmaya değmezdi. __________________________________________ Adding together the company's current assets (receivables, cash, and bonds) and then subtracting all its liabilities. This gave you the net worth of the company. Only then should the share price be looked at. If the share value was below net assets, it was worth buying and could be a potentially profitable acquisition. However, if the share value was higher than the net worth of the company, it was not worth investing.
Sayfa 25 - Nova Kitap 1.Baskı 2022Kitabı okudu
"And it’s because of Logan you’re healing. He gave you back something you lost.” “What?” “Your heart,” he tells me, looking at me with sadness in his eyes.
Hiç günün sonunda farketmeksizin neleri seçtiğimizin farkında mıyız?
Uykusuz geçen onlarca yıl bana çok önemli iki ders verdi: Birincisi beni kitaptaki her şeyi deneyimlemeye zorladı. Bu süreçte öğrendiğim araçlar olmasa, bugünkü seviyemde performans gösteremeyecektim. İkincisi; amacım, kimliğim, değerlerim ve her gün yaptığım şeyi yapma nedenlerim konusunda gerçekten netleşmek zorunda kaldım. Taahütlerinize ve bunları neden gerçekleştirdiğinize öncelik verir ve netleşirsiniz. Yaptığım tüm bu seçimler bende sonsuz bir motivasyon sağladı. ~•✦•~ Decades of sleeplessness have taught me two very important lessons: First, it forced me to experience everything in the book. Without the tools I learned along the way, I would not be able to perform at the level I do today. Latter; I had to get really clear on my purpose, my identity, my values, and my reasons for doing what I do every day. You prioritize and become clear about your commitments and why you're making them. All these choices I made gave me endless motivation.
Sayfa 169 - Parola Yayınları 8.BaskıKitabı okudu
He robbed rich people and gave the money to poor people. But not everybody knows that he came from a rich family. And not many people know that Robin Hood was half- Saxon and half-Norman.
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